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  1. New Advisor/Volunteer Training

    For information on how to become an Ohio 4-H Volunteer, please visit our " How to Become a Volunteer " page. ...

  2. Mad Cow Nervousness May Drive Consumers Away from Beef

    unchanged,” said Roe. “And roughly speaking, for every 1 percent of supply you take away from the ...

  3. Vegetable Crops Field Night

    See attached flier for more information. Presented by Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). ...

  4. Global Warming in Your Garden? Common Plants, Bugs Reveal Important Climate Changes

    the blooming of ornamental plants. This “biological calendar” helps nursery growers and ...

  5. A Bumper Crop and No Place to Put It

    is a more compelling push for ethanol production. "When you see corn prices dropping and gas ...

  6. Chow Line: Some foods risky during pregnancy (for 12/16/07)

    Listeria, and the reason may be a bit more complex than you think. When a woman becomes pregnant, her body ...

  7. Chow Line: Farmed, wild catfish: know nutrition, safety (for Aug. 1, 2010)

    herring or other types of cold-water fish. Now, if you're talking about fried catfish, the nutrition ...

  8. Chow Line: Get ahead by eating more cabbage (for 1/31/10)

    it's low-calorie, but does it offer many nutrients? Absolutely! You may be confusing cabbage with ...

  9. Chow Line: Cassava roots source of tapioca

    already processed to the point where the toxin is totally removed. You can buy quick-cooking tapioca ...

  10. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Whole Lot of Nurdles Going On (for the Week of May 17, 2009)

    you by your scientific friends at The Ohio State University — specifically, at the Ohio Agricultural ...
