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  1. Time to Scout for Black Cutworm in Corn

    emergence, and is harder to recover from.  Soil moisture conditions can sometimes dictate where you might ...

  2. Timing of Vertical Tillage and Herbicide Applications

    surface. This is an area that we do not have a lot of experience with, so if you have developed a foolproof ...

  3. UPDATE: Grain Market Lecture Series Breaks Down Commodity Reports

    futures markets, supply and demand, and long-term analysis. The goal of the webinars is to help those ...

  4. UPDATE: Grain Market Lecture Series Breaks Down Commodity Reports

    futures markets, supply and demand, and long-term analysis. The goal of the webinars is to help those ...

  5. Media Advisory: PLANET Day of Service in Secrest Arboretum Tomorrow (4/22)

    help Secrest and OSU,” OLA Executive Director Sandy Munley said in a statement to members. “A ...

  6. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Perry County

    about the class.   Contact Tom Redfern at 740-677-4047 for questions regarding the training.   If you ...

  7. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Athens County

    questions regarding this training.   If you are interested in hosting a GAPs class in your county, contact ...

  8. Chow Line: Lots of reasons to eat healthy whole grains

    showed a consistent association between eating at least 2.5 servings of whole grains a day and good heart ...

  9. Western Ohio Manure Application Technology Field Day July 31st

    Livestock producers and others interested in learning more about manure application technology are ...

  10. Saving Ohio Trees from Invasive Pests

    including new tools in molecular biology, that is unique and allows this work to be done,” he said. Learn ...
