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  1. Berry Promotion Packets Available

    packets for berry growers in Ohio. These packets are available to growers to help advertise their crops. ...

  2. Philosophy on Partnerships

    education, business, public and social service. It represents that aspect of teaching that enables learning ...

  3. Slovakia Talk

    200 (Wooster) Thursday, October 12, 2017- 11:00am to 1:00pm ...

  4. Dog Project Requirements

    Project Policies & Requirements Please use these guidelines when working to complete your dog project: Ohio 4-H Dog Program Rules and Guidelines Scioto County Dog Guidelines Forms County Dog Show Entry Form- due  July 2nd For forms including Dog Vacci ...

  5. Food Safety

    Did you know that one in six Americans will get sick from food poisoning this year alone? ...

  6. Farm Program Choices & Decisions

    news article linked here. PS: if you happen to need a blank "farm agreement" for the purpose ...

  7. Down Time

    take a break from the books. There’s so much to do when you become a Buckeye! Get your spin on and more ... Crew games, galleries, clubs, and more. So how do you get around campus and around town? Hop on any Campus ...

  8. SWE Region G Conference

    (which you will get to tour before dinner starts).  If you are looking to get more involved in SWE, want ...

  9. Nursery Production Technique Becoming a Growing Trend

    "For one thing a tree can be sold year-round in container production," said Mathers. "If you ... put a tree in the ground, you basically only have two time periods to lift that tree for sale, spring ... or fall. But with pot-in-pot, you've got a lot more flexibility with the material." Trees ...

  10. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Cuyahoga County

    regarding this training, contact Jacqueline Kowalski at (216) 429-8200 ext 217.     If you are interested in ...
