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  1. Forest Health: Non-native Invasive Plants

    their wooded landscape.  Which plants should you be on the lookout for?  What can you do?  We will ...

  2. Ohio Pumpkin Crop Down This Year; Expect Smaller Pumpkins

    five years. But if you haven’t gone to your local pumpkin patch yet, my advice is to not wait until the ...

  3. Livestock Judging Team at American Royal

    teams competing. Click here for the "Royal Results" American Royal livestock show result blog ...

  4. Corn Yield Prediction

    should be taken to estimate yield for the field. Example: You are evaluating a field with 30‑inch rows. ... You counted 29 ears (per 17' 5" = row section). Sampling every fifth ear resulted in an ... from step A by the result from step C. Step E) Multiply the result from step D by 1,000. Example: You ...

  5. Get to Know Central State University, Ohio’s 1890 Land Grant Institution

    education in Ohio.” Learn more. ...

  6. Grain Bin Storage Preparation

    over belts, chains and intakes.  Seal all leaks and make repairs to the equipment before you need them ... labels tend to change frequently.  As always, check to make sure you are following the instructions on ...

  7. Corrugated Plastic Tubing

    (1/25 that of clay and concrete), easy to move, easy to install, flexible, and resistant to chemicals ...

  8. Jack McCoy, our new PhD student, has joined the lab!

    Jack comes to us from New Mexico State University where he received his MS in breeding.  He will be working on genetics of drought tolerance in chile peppers, drawing heavily on germplasm from Mexico.  Welcome, Jack! ...

  9. Frequently Asked Questions for Transfer Students

    a college, university, community college, or technical school after completing high school.  If you paid fees ... at another institution, you are considered a transfer student whether you actually have credits or ... equivalents to the requirements needed for your major at Ohio State.  What this means is that you will get ...

  10. Buckeyes Converge on Battle Creek, Mi. for CFAES Alumni Reception

    opportunity to reconnect with alumni and friends of the university, learn college updates from Dr. Bruce A. ...
