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  1. ECO Farming Saves Growers Money, Improves Soil and Benefits Environment, Researchers Say

    February 23, 2012 ADA, Ohio – Ohio crop growers looking to increase the organic matter content in ...

  2. Homebuyer's Guide Could Help Prevent Nightmares When Pursuing American Dream

    "People are always looking for the 'right' answer, but with homebuying, there is no right answer ...

  3. Surveying the Landscape: Interdisciplinary Research Examines Connection Between Farming and Health of Maumee River Watershed

    students: what do farmers say about all this? “Our motivation with the report was basically to say we’ve ...

  4. Warm Winter, Early Spring Increase Livestock Risk from Noxious Weed

    be fatal, typically due to liver failure,” he said. Producers should look for affected animals to ...

  5. OSU Expert: Early Ohio Wheat Harvest Opens Door for Double-Crop Soybeans

    weeks than northern Ohio. “But this year, the entire state can potentially look at double cropping, ...

  6. Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: Extension's Worksite Wellness Programs a Smart Choice

    "Organizations are looking at ways to cut expenses on health insurance," Barlage said. "In many cases, ...

  7. Flapjack Fundraiser- Fairfield Busy Bunch 4-H Club

    Short Stacks for a Tall Cause Flyer ...

  8. Celebration of Students

    Showcase your culture. Present your country. Represent your region. Share food, music, decorations, crafts, memorabilia Tuesday April 4th 3:30 to 5:30 pm at the Ag Admin Auditorium.  To participate, visit the link. For more info, contact Pamela Thomas.  C ...

  9. November 12, 2017


  10. ATRU Meeting

    200 (Wooster) Friday, July 14, 2017- 8:30am to 12:00pm ...
