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  1. Fall Student Poster Forum

      Fall Student Poster Forum in Thompson Library Attend the culminating event of Undergraduate ...

  2. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    cows on pasture and to know where their milk comes from is driving more farmers to use production ...

  3. Holiday Trains

    Once again our Chair, Dr. John Foltz, has shared his train sets to help decorate for the holidays. This year, both 110 Animal Science Building and 116 Plumb Hall have trains. To celebrate, we're having a friendly competition between the offices! Join ...

  4. Peter P. Ling

    Ecological Engineering Society Annual Meeting. 2002. "Effects of pulsing events upon wetland nutrient ...

  5. Ohio State to Host Workshop for Businesses on Measuring Sustainability

    VP of corporate communications at Greif Inc., who will offer the event’s lunchtime keynote address. ...

  6. Wheat Management for Fall 2014

    This date varies between September 22 for northern counties and October 5 for southern-most counties. ...

  7. Research from Cameron Thraen, AEDE Associate Professor, and John Newton, AEDE PhD Student, Referenced in Hoard’s Dairyman Article

    government’s fiscal year runs from October 1 to September 30, the amount released on Friday is expected to be ...

  8. Ottawa River Kleanup Association (ORKA)

    our goal.  We also host numerous fund raising events each year in an effort to add to our resources.   ... in various clean up activities each year.  We volunteer our services to the Clean The Streams Event ...

  9. Potential for Corn Ear Rot and Mycotoxin Problems in Ohio

    It is already the third week of October and most of the corn is still standing in the field.  Some ...

  10. Recall Survival Guide

    preparation for unexpected events, including a positive L. monocytogenes or Salmonella sample, a food-borne ... regulatory personnel. Someone must be carefully trained to answer the calls that come to the company, ... to know in the event of a recall in one place. OSU will be conducting Recall Training at HACCP ...
