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  1. April 2018


  2. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Squirrels A-fallin'! (for the Week of Oct. 21, 2007)

    October 21, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: Do squirrels ever fall out of trees? A.: Yes. And I base that, for ...

  3. Chow Line: Keep sugary drinks to a minimum (for 8/9/09)

    it's easy to make a connection between higher consumption of soft drinks and higher rates of overweight ...

  4. Annual Ohio State Fair 4-H Livestock Judging Contest July 28

    Develop and practice livestock judging skills by placing both breeding and market classes of beef, goat, sheep, and swine. We have added a new non-reasons category for any age to encourage participation, in addition to junior and senior classes with reaso ...

  5. Fall Ideal Time to Sample for Slugs

    October 31, 2006 WOOSTER, Ohio-- For no-till growers with a history of slug problems, now is the ...

  6. Expect High Soybean Aphid Populations Next Year

    October 10, 2006 WOOSTER, Ohio-- The soybean aphid may be back in full force throughout Ohio ...

  7. Special Project Puts Ohio 4-H in Cleveland, Cincinnati Classrooms

    Over-the-Rhine and another neighborhood in Cincinnati. "I've had a lot of luck connecting with the ...

  8. Chow Line: Use 'discretion' with Halloween treats (for 10/25/09)

    October 19, 2009 Halloween is coming up and my children love to go trick or treating. Afterwards, ...

  9. Chow Line: Try hummus as a healthful spread, dip

    October 4, 2007 Is hummus considered a healthful food? I think it probably is, but I wonder about ...

  10. Chow Line: Pay attention when dining out (for 3/9/08)

    a reputation for their healthful options. A study in the October 2007 issue of the Journal of Consumer Research ...
