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  1. Boosting Soybean Yield/Profits Involves a Mix of Management Practices

    Phytophthora, Pythium and Rhizoctonia are three root rot diseases that can cause major crop losses if not ... trials are located at Another way a farmer can save money is to ... the high seeding rates are needed for better weed control," said Beuerlein. "Most people can ...

  2. Chow Line: Weight loss efforts need determination (for 1/18/09)

    Resolution to lose weight past February this year? Such tips are plentiful this time of year, but you know ... energy to change your daily habits-- the key to reaching any weight-loss goal. Be sure you are at a point ... want to end up. It helps if your goals are specific and measurable. For example, if you decide ...

  3. Shallow Loss Programs and the 2012 Farm Bill Debate

    complement existing crop insurance. Shallow loss programs are included in the farm bills passed by the U.S. ...

  4. Chow Line: Tracing foodborne illness often not easy (for 1/25/09)

    outbreaks to detect are those that are spread over a large geographic area. That's been the case for ... see if they are similar. Even though it's easier to detect an outbreak, it's often difficult ...

  5. Chow Line: Low fat or low carb? Choose what works (for 3/15/09)

    After all, carbohydrates are sugars, so restricting them might seem obvious when people with diabetes-- ... or at risk for developing it-- are trying to lose weight. But a recent study indicates that ... healthful diet that restricts calories enough to result in weight loss. For people who are overweight or ...

  6. The Effect of Rural Zoning on the Allocation of Land Use in Ohio

    neighboring counties are zoned due to spillovers of zoning effects among neighboring counties. The estimation ...

  7. Thank You Earth Day Volunteers!

    Our 5th annual Earth Day event at the Schiermeier Wetlands was a success! In just two hours, 125 volunteers cleared nearly 2 acres of honeysuckle, planted 325 trees and shrubs and picked up a half-dumpster of trash.     ...

  8. Llama Learn Day


  9. 4-H Rabbit Clinic


  10. Market Rabbit Tattooing- by appointment only

