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  1. Insect Pest Not So Pesky

    weevil, commonly known as the clipper, restricts its range along a field's edge, making it easier to ... if you can effectively control it by just spraying along the border?" In addition, researchers ... think it takes a lot of energy to open that flower bud. If a bud is clipped before it opens then that ...

  2. High Yields and a Cost Savings with Liquid Manure

    fall, can be just as valuable in the spring, and it could save farmers money, as well. "At ... a farmer's wallet, but it can also benefit the environment. "There is less chance for nutrient loss in ... utilize its nutrients," said Arnold. "We've always known that manure provides good ...

  3. New Irrigation Technology Can Conserve Water/Save Money

    production in Ohio, but it can break the bank if managed inefficiently. Ohio State University Extension ... it. Researchers at OSU South Centers at Piketon have established a drip irrigation research and ... "The technology uses water more efficiently and spreads water more uniformly so there is no waste. It ...

  4. Using Custom Rates to Show On-Farm Savings with No-Till

    a driving factor: "Will it improve my bottom line?" Farmers now have a way of putting a dollar ... soybeans. In a small project, conducted by Reeder's students in a machinery management class, it was ... age-old question is if it saves money, why isn't everybody doing it? Well, most farmers feel they ...

  5. Zoetis Internship Opportunities

    Zoetis is a global animal health company dedicated to supporting customers and their businesses in ever better ways. Building on 60 years of experience, they deliver medicines and vaccines, complemented by diagnostic products, genetic tests, biodevices an ...

  6. Ecosystem Stewardship in an Era of Rapid Climate Change

    its impacts on the Central Ohio community. Climate Explorations is funded by a 2014 OSU CARES Seed ...

  7. New Beef Position to Focus on Animal Care, Food Safety and Profitability

    position helps Extension fulfill its mission, Smith said. "Part of Ohio State University ... effort strengthens our ability to provide Ohio's $1.3 billion beef industry with the information its ...

  8. Capturing Nature's Wonders

     You'll receive "real time" instruction in the field, as well as intensive classroom ...

  9. New pollinator initiative focuses on advancing pollinator education with help of interns

    hard at obtaining it.”   Kim Chapman, a second year MENR student and Outreach and Education Intern for ...

  10. 2015 4H General Project Clinic

    it for show? These are just a few things you could learn at the Gallia County 4-H Project Clinic. We ...
