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  1. 2015-18


  2. ENR 4890H – Honors Colloquium

    their research. For examples of past SENR research titles, visit the OSU Knowledge Bank. ...

  3. OARDC Scientist Elected Ag Engineer Fellow

    October 10, 2003 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Ohio State University’s Ted H. Short has been elected a fellow ...

  4. Forest Health: Invasive Species

    Landowners are being faced with the challenge of numerous invaders- from plant to insects and diseases.  Invasive plants left unchecked in a woodland can have a long reaching impact on your goal and objectives for the property.  What are some of the plant ...

  5. You Need to Represent!

    The CFAES Alumni Board is taking applications for a representative from our Class of 2016. ...

  6. Preliminary Data Links Human Illness to Animal Disease Found in Sheep

    over 1,000 cattle isolates, 10 to 15 goat isolates, seven human isolates and less than 10 sheep ...

  7. Welcome, Mr. Ward!

    Adam Ward, the new CFAES director of government affairs, has been serving as executive director of the Ohio Soybean Association. ...

  8. Mission

    research on environmental issues. Contacting and hosting distinguished lecturers at OSU on environmental ...

  9. February 2017


  10. AEDE Faculty Awarded 2013 OARDC SEEDS Research Grants

    members of a new multidisciplinary OSU research and outreach initiative, The STEAM Factory, which aims to ... promote interdisciplinary collaboration in the OSU community across the areas of science, technology, ...
