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  1. Timing of Cover Crop Rye Termination in No-Till Soybeans

    2014%20Fulton%20CC%20rye%20Termination%20to%20NT%20Soy.pdf 2014 Cover Crops Soybean Cover Crops Soil and Water Management Soybean Soybean Weeds herbicide 2014 Fulton Fulton-Shinrock ...

  2. Effect of Copper Sulfate Applied at the R3 Growth Stage on MRI Soybeans

    2014%20MRI%20CuSo4%20trial.pdf 2014 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping Soybean Micronutrients 2014 Crawford Blount Pewamo ...

  3. Effect of Potash applied at R2/R3 on MRI Soybeans

    2014%20MRI%20Potash%20trial.pdf 2014 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping Nutrient Management Soybean Potassium 2014 Crawford Blount Pewamo ...

  4. Soybean Yield in MRI versus Double Cropping Systems

    2014%20MRI%20Vs%20DC%20twin%20row.pdf 2014 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping 2014 Crawford Blount Pewamo Soybean ...

  5. Yield of Modified Relay Intercropping Soybeans and Double Crop Soybeans Grown in 15 inch Rows

    2014%20MRI%20Double%20crop%2015%20inch.pdf 2014 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping 2014 Clark Kokomo Stawn-Crosby Soybean ...

  6. Effect of Radiate Growth Regulator on Soybean Yield

    GastierProchaska%20Radiate13%20FINAL.pdf 2012 Soybean Soybean Soybean Growth and Development 2012 Erie Kibbie growth regulator herbicide insecticide ...

  7. Effect of Tilt Fungicide on Wheat Yield

    Fungicide%20on%20Wheat%20Yield%20FINAL.pdf 2012 Small Grain Production Small Grain Production Wheat Disease 2012 Crawford Blount fungicide ...

  8. Effect of Soybean Maturity in an MRI system

    2014%20maturity%20in%20MRI%20two%20DOP.pdf 2014 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping 2014 Crawford Blount Pewamo Soybean relative maturity ...

  9. Effect of Modified Relay Intercropping on Wheat Yield

    MRIversusnoMRI%20FINAL.pdf 2012 Modified Relay Intercropping Small Grain Production Modified Relay Intercropping 2012 Crawford Blount ...

  10. Comparison of Swine Manure and Anhydrous Ammonia as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2012%20AllgierCornPlot%20final%20WBC.pdf 2012 Manure Manure 2012 Seneca Tiro Corn Nitrogen ...
