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  1. Workshop to Address Legal Risks for Livestock and Dairy Producers

    regulations. The workshop is free, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's North Central Risk ...

  2. Improvement Projects Prioritized at Waterman, Don Scott and Wooster

    With 785 locations statewide for instruction, discovery and community outreach, CFAES is making ...

  3. Prepare Now for Soybean Diseases

    February 12, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- It's never too early to think about soybean diseases. Anne ... putting out predictions of rust potential on Ohio's crop." According to the U.S. Department of ...

  4. Study Sheds More Light on Managing Soybean Cyst Nematode

    soybean cyst nematode project. "These preliminary findings are telling us that our recommendations to ... in about 12 years that Ohio researchers have analyzed soybean cyst nematode so closely, and while ...

  5. Subjectivity in Expert Decision Making: Risk Assessment, Acceptability, and Cognitive Biases affecting Endangered Species Act Listing Judgments for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Grizzly Bear

    Kottman Hall. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was signed into U.S. law in 1973, with the purpose of ...

  6. What is the Meaning of Feekes Growth Stages in Wheat?

    structure found at the collar or the location where the leaf blade and leaf sheath join at the stem. The ...

  7. Communiqué June 24, 2015

    a successful end, I hope you will join with your colleagues to reflect on your day and submit at the above ... us from The Ohio State University Office of Academic Affairs where she served as a Human Resources ...

  8. Rethinking Gramoxone at a Reduced Price

    poisoning, and changes to the formulation over the years have resulted in a generally safer product. The US ...

  9. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    you, it's time for an attitude check. Negativity in organizations is costing US businesses $300 ...

  10. Ohio State Faculty Member Honored as Fellow of Food Systems Leadership Institute

    education and chair of the Ohio State's Department of Human and Community Resource Development and the ...
