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  1. Geospatial Data Warehouse For Improved Agricultural Water Quality

    One-Stop “Shop” for Farmland Data Principal Investigator John Fulton, Ohio State University ...

  2. New Alumni Ticket Process for 2016

    Sustaining Members are the engines of The Ohio State University Alumni Association. Based on ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-37

    relatively low (60 pounds per acre or less), and the universities recommend that nitrogen be split applied ... non-traditional fertilizer, etc.). This may or may not be true, but because we have no estimate of error (both ...

  4. Carl Zulauf- Ohio State's 2012-2013 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series

    at The Ohio State University, presenting "Farm Policy: 2012 and Beyond" at Ohio ...

  5. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: North Carolina State University

    as planned, by the year 2020 students at North Carolina State University will be working alongside ... Sciences, is to make North Carolina the worldwide leader in plant sciences. Linton said the university ... economic assessment.  Collaborative partners We will focus the strengths of our university, government and ...

  6. 2014 Academic Quadrathlon Registration Open

    against Animal Science students from other universities! When is the local competition?   February 25 and ...

  7. New Weed Hurts Ohio Soybeans and Veggies

    targeted by an unfamiliar invasive plant and Ohio State University crop scientists are concerned. Apple of ... showed more than a 30 percent yield reduction in corn. Apple of Peru is not as easy to spot in corn ... apple of Peru plants to their local Ohio State University Extension agent. Melissa Karcher Joel Felix ...

  8. The National Ecological Observatory Network: Using Ecological Science to Better Understand Our World

    An upcoming event at The Ohio State University will feature the ambitious new  National Ecological ...

  9. New Animal Disease Traceability Rule Announced by USDA

    Ms. Peggy Hall, Agriculture and Resource Law Specialist, The Ohio State University Extension ...

  10. Terry Lanker receives national award

    Colleges in 2013. Terry leads the operation of the university flower shop and advises the Artistes de Fleur ...
