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  1. GPS Guidance System May Replace Industry Standard

    giving us the opportunity to list the advantages and disadvantages of each unit." The guidance ...

  2. Corn Yields Good Despite Variable Weather, Diseases

    (bu/A), but ahead of the five-year average of 132 bu/A. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is predicting ...

  3. Cooler Weather Playing a Positive Role in Wheat Development

    weather, fungal development and wheat development will result in us not having a major concern in terms of ...

  4. Another Record Corn Harvest for Ohio

    a number of susceptible varieties being grown," said Lipps. "It's a heads-up for us all to ...

  5. Eating 'Green' Could be Beneficial

    actually absorbed into the bloodstream. "These results are very preliminary, but they do give us some ...

  6. Biotechnology Consortium Seeks to Improve Ohio's Agricultural Industries

    farmers and businesses not only is beneficial to us but is beneficial to the economy as well." The ...

  7. Raspberry Production Increasing in Ohio

    mainly through pick-your-own operations. "The biggest result of the surveys that surprised us was ...

  8. Winning the War Against Soybean Rust Requires a Strategy

    This leaves us with only one alternative option: do as good a job as we can with spraying fungicides ...

  9. 4-H Holds Ohio's First Multiple-Handicapped Camp

    multiple-handicapped camp is a new venture for us, but it's exciting to watch the kids participate in the ...

  10. Researchers Evaluating Switchgrass Production in Ohio

    properties. Called Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems (CSiTE), the project is funded by the U.S ...
