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  1. Turf Tips: April 25, 2014

    Turf Disease Updates- Spring ...

  2. Central Ohio Lawn Care Seminar, Columbus

    ohioturfgrass ...

  3. 26

    Top View Side View Back to Cuts ...

  4. Subscribe

    The Scioto County Agriculture and Natural Resources Email List is a local source of information on Agriculture, Natural Resources, Gardening and Landscaping for Scioto County Farmers, Landowners, Gardeners and Community Members. This email list will provi ...

  5. Turfgrass Research Field Day, Columbus

    Registration Fee: $40 for OTF members, $60 for non-members. Information: ohioturfgrass ...

  6. Curso de Mejor Control de Proceso y Empacado de Alimentos, Columbus

    Una capacitación para supervisores de proceso, aseguramiento de calidad, para personal que trabajan con alimentos en empaques flexibles herméticamente sellados. Fecha límite de inscripción: Julio 8, antes: $750, después: $825. Registrarse en línea: https: ...

  7. Annuals Trial Open Houses, Columbus

    Garden tours, details. ...

  8. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership Online Workshop

    Are you a positive leader? Organizations that have a positive culture are more productive, have happier employees and most importantly, happy and satisfied customers. No matter what the current situation is, or who is causing the negativity in your organi ...

  9. Applying Your Strengths @ Work Workshop

    According to Gallup, employees who utilize their strengths at work at six times as likely to be engaged at work. You’ve taken the StrengthsFinder awareness workshop and learned your five strengths. This workshop helps put your strengths to work to increas ...

  10. Why Can't We All Get Along? Workshop

    When you understand your personality style, your working relationships are improved. You learn why you act the way you do, as well as what makes you tick and ticks you off. You can create strategies for improving relationships with your co-workers after l ...
