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Ohio Beef Expo, Columbus
Ohio Beef Expo is billed as the premier event for Ohio’s beef industry. Information: ...
Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Conference, Columbus
Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Conference helps applicators fulfill Ohio’s commercial pesticide applicator requirements. Recertification credits are available in all categories. Pre-registration by March 4 is $75 without lunch, $95 ...
School of Environment and Natural Resources Seminar Series, Columbus
School of Environment and Natural Resources Seminar Series presents Christopher Peterson, chair of the Department of Biology in Loyola University’s College of Arts and Sciences, presents “Addressing Issues of Food Security through Integration of Curricul ...
Cleaning Up America’s Rivers, Columbus
Cleaning Up America’s Rivers features Chad Pregracke, president and founder of Living Lands & Waters and CNN’s 2013 Hero of the Year. He will speak on his efforts to clean up major rivers. Hosted by the Environmental Professionals Network. Free regis ...
School of Environment and Natural Resources Seminar Series, Columbus
School of Environment and Natural Resources Seminar Series: “Captive Breeding Programs to Mitigate Chytridiomycosis-related Extinctions: Lessons from Panama” by Brian Gratwicke, research scientist with the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Center ...
TV Weathercasters as Climate Educators: Making the Global Local, Columbus
TV Weathercasters as Climate Educators: Making the Global Local is an examination of whether America’s TV weathercasters can play an important role in educating the public about the local consequences of global climate change. Free. Information: go.osu.e ...
Volunteer Day of Education, Columbus
Volunteer Day of Education participants will learn about mapping trees; monarch butterflies and pollinators; gardening; and the arboretum’s trial gardens, volunteer opportunities and plant sale. Free. Information: ...
25th Anniversary of the ADA
Iowa State University, Department of Community and Regional Planning, and the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture Release Guidebook for Municipal Zoning for Local Foods In Iowa
This guidebook provides practical guidance and samples of municipal code language from around the country to assist local communities in providing for a strong, vibrant and sustainable food system and neighborhood. A free digital version is available at ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Southern University Ag Center
of a mini-grant and then this person did write an actual building plan to add some additional ...