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Researchers Take Close Look at Emerging Corn Virus
âespecially B73 and Mo17â was easily infected. The good news is that Oh1VI, a recently released line with ...
Evaluate Numerous Sources When Choosing Corn Hybrids
than five percent. In this year's trial, average lodging ranged from 23-25 percent with some ...
Despite Summer Drought, Corn Yields Heading for Record Books
May is well below 25 percent moisture and corn planted in southwest Ohio the end of June has reached ...
April 2015 4-H Junior Leaders Meeting
We will meet at 3-D Meats at 7:00 p.m. Officers should arrive at 6:30 p.m. Parents should pick you up at 3-D Meats at 8:00 p.m. Anyone that wants to is then welcome to join us at the Dalton Dariette for ice cream! A map to 3-D Meats is available below ...