Buckeye Buzz: October 10 - 16, 2022

Community Events

  1. What’s Rural Youth??

Campus Announcements

  1. Reminder that the Learning Lab is open and here to help !!!! Two places, Halterman and Applewood Village, available for tutoring ! Check our website for times.

Campus Events

  1. Hi ATI community!  We'd love to invite you to a joint Bible study with ATI and OARDC students together.  It's such a warm and diverse community already!  We meet every Thursday night in the Community Room at 7pm.  Refreshments are served.  This is an inter-denominational gathering and students

  2. This week!

    Fall-themed Paint night – Monday, Oct 24 at 7 pm in the SAC

  3. Malawi:  The Warm Heart of Africa​

    Wooster Science Building, Room 175/175A​

    1600 Wilson Rd, CFAES Wooster​

    Thursday, October 20, 2022, 12:40-1:30 pm​

    ​Food served at 12:40. Presentation at 12:55​

Campus Opportunities

  1. Transitioning to Columbus? Let's talk!  Contact Cate Hunko.1 the Transition Counselor and begin the conversation.

Campus News

  1. The 2023-2024 FAFSA opened October 1. Don't forget that your MUST apply for aid annually! Ohio State's code is 003090

    Have questions about how to apply for aid? Check this webpage: