February 7 - 13, 2022
Student Activities Center (SAC)
2022 Homecoming Court Applications Open February 10th!
If you are returning to ATI in Fall 2022, have completed at least 30 credit hours and carry a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.......
Apply for the ATI Homecoming Court!!!
Deadline to apply is 5:00 pm on Friday, March 11th!
Intramural Registration for Volleyball, Dodgeball and Basketball!!!
Registration is now open for IM Volleyball, Dodgeball, and BASKETBALL!
Leagues will begin the week of February 14th (NEXT WEEK!)
Volleyball will be played on Wednesdays beginning at 6:30 pm.
Dodgeball will be played on Mondays beginning at 6:30 pm.
Greenhouse Club Valentine’s Day Succulent Sale!!
When: Thursday February 10th & 11th from 2:00-4:00 pm
Where: ATI Greenhouse
Stop by and Support the Greenhouse Club!!
STEP will be hosting the Akron Zoo for an educational and hands-on experience!!
When: Thursday, February 17th
Time: 6:00 pm
Where: SAC Gymnasium
Cost: FREE!!!
Our pantry was previously located in Skou Hall, inside Student Success Services. In order to increase access, we’ve relocated to the Student Activities Center.
FREE sustainable grocery bag!
Ohio House of Representatives Legislative Page Program
Want to build YOUR skills and career at the Ohio House of Representatives? At this government institution, we provide a wide-range of career interests and are now taking applications from part-time undergraduate college students for the Legislative Page Program.
Save the Date for the CFAES Spring Career Fairs
2/16/22 In-Person, Ohio Center Union
2/17/22 Virtual, Handshake
Sign up through Handshake beginning January 10th
Need a ride to Columbus to attend Fair?
Student Assistants collaborate with students with disabilities through training students on accommodation implementation and or in a lab or classroom setting to complete physically inac
The Summer Internship & Opportunity Fair will take place in person in the Ohio Union is schedule in-person on February 15 and virtually on the Handshake platform on February 16, 2022.