Business office hours and operation
Effective August 19, 2020 the ATI Business Office will have the following in-person business hours to assist students:
Tuesday’s and Thursday’s 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday’s 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
We are also available virtually M-F 8 AM to 5 PM and Faculty and Staff are still encouraged to make contact by Skype or Zoom.
Cindy Shelly 330-287-1264
Desiree Lutsch 330-287-1296
Please note that student account payments should either be made online at or by mailing payments to:
Office of the University Bursar
The Ohio State University
P.O. Box 183248
Columbus, Ohio 43218-3248
If there are documents that you would like to drop off for the business office, please utilize the mailroom slots in the mailroom/copy room in Halterman.