ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team Results


Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team at the PA All-American Dairy Show

Please congratulate the members of the Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team:  Haley Bankey, Stephen Parthemore, Rachel Sherman, Rebecca Sprang, and Marissa Topp.  The team competed in the two-year college competition at the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, PA on Sunday, September 19, 2021.  The team placed 10 classes (4 animals per class) and gave 4 set of oral reasons defending their placings on 5 breeds of cattle.

The team tied for second but dropped to third based on the oral reason tiebreaker.  The team ranked first in the Brown Swiss, Holstein and Jersey breeds; third in oral reasons and the Ayrshire breed; and fourth in the Guernsey breed.

Individually, Megan Raudebaugh was high individual in the contest; Rachel Sherman was seventh, and Marissa Topp was twelfth.  In the sections of the contest, Megan was 2nd in Ayrshires, 9th in Guernseys, 2nd in Holsteins, 5th in Jerseys, and 8th in oral reasons; Rachel was 4th in Brown Swiss, 6th in Holsteins, 3rd in Jerseys, and 7th in oral reasons; and Marissa was 5th in Holsteins, 6th in Jerseys, and 10th in oral reasons. 

The next competition is at World Dairy Expo on Sunday, September 26 in the Practical Contest and on Monday, September 27 in the Traditional Contest.