Buckeye Buzz: October 25 - 31, 2021

  1. Dollar Bowling Night - Mondays starting November 1st

    $1 Bowling Night is Back!!!

    FREE for ATI Students with Valid BuckID!

    Please look for the sign-in sheet when you arrive!!

    Every Monday starting November 1st - December 6th

    Where: Wayne Lanes Bowling , 1983 Lincoln Way E., Wooster, OH 44691

  2. All Day Art - Dia de Los Muertos Sugar Skulls

    Celebrate el Dia de Los Muertos with All Day Art!

    Visit the SAC on November 1st any time between 11:00 am - 5:00 pm to paint your own sugar skull!!





    ATI Flag Football Champs competed this past Saturday, October 23 against OSU-Marion, Mansfield and Newark at the first annual Regional Championships for Flag Football! The team went 2-0 winning the Championship hosted by OSU-Mansfield.

    Team Members include: Edward Butler, Adam Joehlin, Louis Cira, Kyle Northup, Kyle Smith, Tyler Warner, Owen Roach  and Kalvin Gallwitz

  4. Yoga with Martin

    Yoga with Martin 

    Every Wednesday at 5:30 pm

    FREE for students with valid BuckID

    $5.00 for any faculty/staff at CFAES Wooster

    Classes will be held at the SAC 

    We have mats!!

  5. SLC Meeting

    Student Leadership Council Meeting 

    When: Monday, November 1st

    Time: 6:00 pm

    Where: SAC Game Room

    Open to all campus!!

  6. F.R.I.E.N.D.S Bowling Night

    Go bowling with FRIENDS on Wednesday, November 17. See PK or Elena Rango.8 for details

  7. Ag Open House

    JOIN US!!

    Delta Theta Sigma, Farmhouse, Alpha Gamma Rho and Alpha Gamma Sigma invite you to attend their open house!

    Meet our chapters, see the houses and get to know our members. Refreshments will be provided.

    When: Friday, October 29th

    Time: 4:00 - 6:30 pm

    Register online to attend.


  8. ENGAGE: Earning Trust in Gene Editing (Student Professional Development)

    ENGAGE: Earning Trust in Gene Editing Student Professional Development Event

    Consumers are asking questions about gene editing. Are you prepared to respond? Join the Center for Food Integrity and the Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) for a FREE educational session on Thursday, November 11th from 9:00-12:30 in the Wooster Science Building classroom 175A  that will help you communicate about gene-editing in a relatable way that resonates with the general public. The tips and tools you will learn during this 3-hour, interactive session can also be utilized for other topics that you are likely to encounter as a representative of modern agriculture.

    CFI has conducted similar workshops all over the country for a wide variety of audiences. OSC is bringing this training to The Ohio State University at no cost to you.

    Class size is limited to 14. Register here https://forms.gle/8CyaxyDqSfzXGw1WA



  9. Cru Bible Study

    Cru Bible Study

    Now meeting Mondays at 8:00 pm in the Housing Community room.

    For more information email Leslie at eisberg.1@osu.edu

  10. Student Org Registration Deadline - Past Due!

    Register Your Student Organization

    Now is the time to get your student organizaiton registered. The registration deadline is now past. (October 1). As a reminder, student orgs must be registered each academic year. This includes having a member from your organization be a representative on the Student Leadership Council. 

    Send all completed registration forms to Jodie Holava at holava.1. Contact if you have any questions or need any assistance.

    Student Organization Registration Form

    For more information and updates on Student Orgs at Ohio State ATI, visit the Student Organization 101 page.

  11. Trick or Treat Scavenger Hunt

    Trick or Treat Scavenger Hunt 

    Dress up in your favorite halloween costume and walk around the village doing a scavenger hunt while getting candy from the RAs. There will be raffle prizes at the end!

    When: October 25th from 5:00 - 6:30 pm


  12. Hoof-n-Hide Barn Dance

    Join the Hoof-n-Hide Club at the 2021 Barn Dance!!

    When: Tuesday, October 26th at 7:30 pm

    Costume Conest, Food, Music, Cornhole and Dancing!!

    Off campus guest are welcome!!

    Watch the Buzz for more details!!

  13. Come See How Sweet it is to Be a First Gen College Student!!!

    Are you a first gen? If neither of your parents have earned a four year degree, that means your first gen!!! More than half of the students at ATI are first gen. That's something sweet to celebrate! Join us for some yummy treats and celebrate the first gen experience. Did you know many ATI faculty and staff are also first gen? Listen to Dr. Linden share his personal experience of being a first gen college student.

    When: Thursday, November 4th from 11:30 - 1:00 pm

    Where: Skou Lounge

    For more information, contact Kelly Carmack.25@osu.edu or Leslie Eisberg.1@osu.edu

  14. Help Brutus Win Top Mascot!!

    Help Brutus win TOP MASCOT!!! Brutus is participating in the Mascot Challenge hosted by the American College of Sports Medicine. Watch this video of Brutus highlighting the importance of physical activity to all faculty, staff and students and give it a THUMBS UP! Then, share the video with your friends on social media. The video with the most likes by the 5 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, October 27 will be the fan favorite. #VOTEBRUTUS

    Direct video link: https://youtu.be/FTNPKoN-CNA


  15. Campus Military and Veteran Services Visit to Campus

    Representatives from the Columbus Campus Military and Veterans Services will be on campus to visit and/or answer questions for any of our service connected students. 

    Stop in to say hello, grab a treat, connect with our Academic Advisor for military connected students, visit with the Director and hear about a scholarship opportunity available specifically for Wooster campus from their Program Manager. 

    WHEN: 1-2:30 p.m.  October 26, 2021 in Skou Hall, Lounge

  16. The Commons Innovation Accelerator- Oct. 29 & Nov. 12

    Register for this highly interactive program - connecting students with company leaders around actual innovation challenges! The goal is to have students from 10+ different NE Ohio universities to help cultivate the region’s innovation ecosystem.

     This program is designed for students of all ages and from all majorsHipsters (creatives), Hackers (analytical), Handlers (project managers) and Hustlers (go-getters).  Plus, there is no cost for students or universities to participate, and there are prizes, too. 

     The first session is on October 29 (12:30 – 2:30 PM - virtual) with a follow up session on Friday, November 12 (12:00 – 3:00 PM – virtual or in-person/TBD).  We have companies on board and will create cross-functional student teams of 3 to 4 to address innovation challenges for each company where multiple teams may work with the same company.  Student registration form.




  17. Paws & Pumpkins

    CFAES Wooster Campus Staff Council invites you, your family and friends to join us!!

    When: Saturday, October 30 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

    Where: CFAES Wooster - ATI Student Activities Center

    CLICK HERE FOR LIST OF NEEDS for donations!

    Paws & Pumpkins

  18. A.L.i.C.E. Training

    A.L.i.C.E Training

    Alert, Lockdown, Information, Counter & Evacuate

    Date/Time: Thursday October 28 from 1:50 pm - 3:30 pm

    Location: Wooster Science Building 175

    Registration: go.osu.edu/woosteralice

    For more information

  19. Let's Talk Woo

    CFAES Wooster Campus Embedded Counselor - Schaad

    Let's Talk Woo provides drop-in, informal mental health consultations on a first-come, first-served basis. It's FREE and CONFIDENTIAL and open to all currently registered Ohio State students. 

    For more information visit..... go.osu.edu/WooCounselor

    Let's Talk













  20. Interested in Transitioning to Columbus?

    Students interested in Transitioning to Columbus for SP22 or AU22 and would like details on Housing, Parking, Scheduling and the requirements for making the transition please contact Cate Hunko.1 

    Students transitioning in SP22 need to contact me ASAP!

  21. Grade Forgiveness Deadline - October 29

    Friday, October 29, is the deadline to petition to use grade forgiveness for a course that you are repeating autumn semester 2021.  The petition is found on the Registrar's webpage in the bulleted list under Current Students on the Students tab of that page.




  22. Last Day to Drop

    The last day to drop a full-semester course or withdraw from the University without extenuating circumstances is Friday October 29A Course Enrollment Permission form must be completed, emailed to the course instructor, your academic advisor, and the academic affairs office.  Please allow time for approvals to be received by 5:00 p.m. on the 29th for processing.


  23. Learning Lab is Open!!

    Appointments for individual tutors and their hours are located on ON-COURSE. If you need any help with finding a tutor or any questions please email me at nemitz.7@osu.edu We look forward to seeing you this autumn. Remember tutoring is important in your academic success.


    StoverMEET A TUTOR...

    Hi, my name is Janine Stover and I am from Xenia, Ohio. I’m majoring in Livestock Production and Management Specializing in Beef. As a tutor in the Learning Lab I am prepared to help with leadership and religion classes, my specialty is English. I’m here to help you adapt to balancing life and school. Life in college is stressful, and I’m here as an ear to listen if you ever need to have a chat. 

  24. Ohio State ATI 2022-2023 Financial Aid Check List - applications now available!

    It is that time of year again!  The 2022-2023 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), ATI/CFAES scholarship application and OSU ScholarshipUniverse application are now available!  Most application deadlines are in February 2022.  Please review the following check list for more details and as always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.


    Julia Morris, Coordinator of Student Financial Aid

    Phone: 330-287-1214

    Email: morris.878@osu.edu

    Office Hours: M, W, Th, F 8:00am-2:30pm remote; Tuesday’s on-campus 8:15am-2:45am

    Finan Aid


  25. Autumn CFAES Career Fairs

    Autumn CFAES Career Fairs will be held virtually, providing ATI students a unique opportunity to participate.  To sign up to attend visit Handshake.osu.edu.

    Construction - Sept. 27 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm

    Food and Agricultural Sciences - Sept. 30 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm

    Environmental & Sustainability - Nov. 3 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm

  26. Now Hiring!

    Looking for a job??

    Students looking for on-campus jobs:  log in to workday.osu.edu  and set the Primary Location to “Wooster Campus” using the options on the left side of the page.

    1. Log into Workday. 
    2. In the Applications section, click the Career Application.
    3. In the View Section, click either Search Students Jobs or Search Student Federal Work Study Jobs. (Set location now)
    4. Click the Job Title (ex. Student Assistant) to view the job posting details.
    5. Click Apply to apply for the job.

    Students looking for employment in the Wooster area: create an account at Handshake.osu.edu