Buckeye Buzz: November 30 - December 6, 2020

  1. Regional 9:OH5: Nerdology

    REgional 9:oh5: NERdology game show

    Think you know a lot about a lot? Are you the one who always seems to have the answers to your friends’ questions about pop-culture, video games, and comic books? Do you rarely need to google stuff? Then Nerdology is the perfect show for you! This program is an interactive pop-culture trivia show. A mix of awesome games and trivia interspersed with fun audience participation. Come play! Win prizes! Test your knowledge!


    When: Wednesday, December 2nd at 9:05 pm


    How to Play: Please click the link below to join the webinar:


     Passcode: ohiostate

     Webinar ID: 844 2776 2220



  2. SAC Closed Over Break


    The Student Activities Center (SAC) is currently closed through - January 24th, 2021.  It will resume operation on Monday, January 25th, 2021.

    Please watch future issues of the Buzz for updates as well as SAC social media accounts.

    Instagram: @OSUATISAC

    Facebook: @OSUATIStudentActivities

    Twitter: @ati_osu

  3. Are you feeling stressed, depressed or scared?

    Are you feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, burnt out or scared? You are not alone! The Office of the Chief Wellness Officer, Office of Student Life and College of Nursing have free resources and solutions to help you reduce stress and build coping and resiliency skills. In fact, you can get an Amazon gift card for participating!

    Learn more and sign up: go.osu.edu/CARESwellness

  4. Visit the Learning Lab!!


    Don't forget the Learning Lab is up and running virtuall!!!!


    And we are using on-course to report and write notes as needed!!

    If you have any questions PLEASE feel free to email/call/zoom

    Be Safe

    Penny     nemitz.7@osu.edu


    Get to know our tutors...

    Donald SmithHi, my name is Donald Smith and I am from Sunbury, Ohio. I’m majoring in Animal Biosciences. As a tutor in the Learning Lab I am prepared to help with select animal science classes with my specialty being in chemistry courses. I’m here to help you with time management and to help direct you in the right direction. Our daily life in college has definitely changed, but I’m here to help you along through the process! 

  5. Spring 21 Class Start Info

    President Johnson announced that the first two weeks of spring semester classes (January 11-15 and 18-22) will be done via virtual delivery.  She also stated:  Depending on how COVID-19 cases are trending in December and early January, and with the guidance of Governor DeWine and state and local health experts, we will evaluate and act upon any need to extend the virtual start to the semester.  Please pay close attention to your OSU email for the most up to date information!

  6. ATI Library is Available for Virtual Help!

    The ATI Library space is closed but the librarians are still here to help you!  Contact us through Libchat, email, phone or zoom. Our information is on our homepage at ati.osu.edu/library.

    Do you have library materials to return? Place items in gray "Library Return" box located on Garrison Circle between Halterman Hall and the SAC.

    Do you need to return your textbook?  Those go to the Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Skou

  7. Is Transitioning to Columbus in Your Future?

    Is Transitioning to Columbus in your future?  Please contact Cate Hunko.1 for an appointment and she will enroll you in the  Carmen Transition modules where you will review the process and complete the required quiz and Campus Change Request form. 

    If you are planning the transition in Spring 2021 please contact Cate ASAP. 

    Cate can also help answer questions about housing, schedules, and parking on the Columbus campus.

  8. Bookstore Reminder!

    Rental returns reminder: Due December 11th (last day of finals) but you will either have to ship them back using the $5.00 per box label, return them in person (holiday hours will apply) or perhaps if you are done...return them before you leave for Thanksgiving. Check your email for details.

  9. Financial Aid & Scholarships

    Last day to accept a summer/autumn Direct loan or an autumn only Direct loan: December 4th

    Friday, December 4thlast day to accept a summer/autumn Direct loan or an autumn only Direct loan (To accept Direct Loan offers, log into Buckeye Link > View Financial Aid > 2021 Aid Year > Aid Summary Tab.  Click the green Accept/Decline button to make selections.  Must complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note on To Do List if you have not done so.)


    OSU ScholarshipUniverse application available now!

    OSU 2021-2022 ScholarshipUniverse application is available!  This is the former OSU Special Scholarship application.  The application provides both internal and external scholarship opportunities.  Priority deadline February 1, 2021.

    Don’t forget to resubmit your 2021-2022 FAFSA (priority deadline February 1, 2021) for next year and complete the ATI/CFAES Scholarship application (priority deadline February 15, 2021) while on break this fall/winter! 


    New 2021-2022 Check List and external scholarship list updated!

    New check list provided with ScholarshipUnviverse included!





    The OSU/ATI CFAES scholarship application is now live for the next academic year!  DO NOT WAIT TO APPLY!   

    If you plan to return to ATI next year or continue on to Columbus and plan to have a 2.0 GPA or higher, be sure to fill out the application to be considered for scholarship funding!  Scholarships are distributed based on many factors, not just academic performance! 

    If you plan to return to ATI next year you will select ATI/Wooster for your campus.  If you will be transitioning to Columbus AFTER this Spring, you will select the Columbus campus.  It is VERY important that you select the correct campus as awards do not cross campuses.

    If you have questions or accidentally choose the wrong campus contact lemasters.27@osu.edu

  10. External Scholarship List Updated

    It's time to start exploring external scholarship opportunities!  Take a look at these external scholarship opportunities, your local county community foundations, and more!  New additions will be made throughout the year.

  11. LAST CHANCE to Nominate Faculty or Staff for Employee Recognition

    Do you know a faculty or staff member that goes above and beyond? Now is your chance to give them the recognition they deserve. Ohio State ATI is hosting it's annual Employee Recognition Event virtually on Friday, December 11th. We want to give students the chance to nominate outstanding faculty, staff and teaching.

    Please take a few moments to nominate someone who has made a difference in your time at Ohio State ATI.

    Nominations are due Tuesday, December 1st.

    Use this link to submit your nomination - https://ati.osu.edu/award-form

  12. Internships - Updated Opportunities!

    ABS Global is now recruiting for a variety of exciting opportunities for our Summer 2021 intern positions! Depending on positions, internships are open to high-school grads or those pursuing a degree at an accredited technical college or university.  To view more info and openings CLICK HERE!

    AgCareers.com presents internship opportunities from valued partners!! Simply CLICK HERE to find current opportunities within each company overview.  You'll discover each organizations' job postings, and within that list you'll find internship openings!

    International Intership Opportunity - Open to all students with the Tata Group - India's leading business group!

    Applications opened on September 1 and the deadline is December 31, 2020. The program is remote for the 2020/21 program year.

    Check it out and visit https://www.tata.com/careers/programs/tata-global-internships

    Witmer's Feed and Grain is offering a 2021 Summer Internship Opportunity with their Replacement Heifer Rearing Program

    For more information and details, check out the flyer!

    Applications are now open for college-age students to apply for the American Angus Association®, Angus Journal ® and Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) 2021 summer internships.  Each summer the American Angus Association, AGI and Angus Media invite college students to gain real-world knowledge and hands-on skills by serving as interns for the nation’s largest beef breed organization.  Find more information regarding the exciting summer internship programs below.  These 10-week internship programs provide a unique hands-on experience that will both challenge and instill confidence both professionally and personally.

    Students interested in applying should send a resumé, cover letter and references to careers@angus.org by Feb. 1, 2021.  Visit angus.org/careers for internship descriptions and requirements.

  13. Student Rep needed for MLK Day of Service Committee

    The Martin Luther King Junior Day of Service Committee of OSU Wooster Campus is seeking Ohio State ATI student representatives. Planning meetings will take place virtually, and there will be some meetings held over the winter break period. If you are interested in helping to organize this event, which will take place in late January, please contact Keegan Hange at hange.7@osu.edu for more details.

  14. Resident Advisor (RA) Applications are Now Available!

    Do you enjoy helping others?

    Are you great at solving problems?

    Are you interested in making campus feel more like home?

    Ohio State ATI is now seeking Resident Advisor (RA) candidates for the 2021-2022 academic year. Further information, including the job application, is available online at www.go.osu.edu/atirainfo

    Completed applications are due online by Sunday, January 17, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. To apply, visit eRezLife and look for “JOBS” on the left side panel followed by “Regional Paraprofessional Staff (RA/RM) 2021-2022.” NOTE: The Resident Manager position is not available in Wooster.


    WANT TO LEARN MORE? Attend an upcoming, no-pressure information session on Zoom:

    •             Thursday, November 19 at 8:30 pm

    •             Wednesday, December 2 at 12:30 pm

    Register at www.go.osu.edu/atirainfo


    A minimum 2.25 semester and cumulative GPA is required. Due to COVID-19, no prior campus living experience is required.


    Questions? Contact an Applewood Village Senior Staff member for further information: (330) 287-7504.

    Mick Steiner, Housing Coordinator (steiner.255@osu.edu) Caitlin Blake, Apartments Manager (blake.429@osu.edu)

  15. AFA Technology Institute Opportunities!!

    AFA Leader Institutes provide undergraduate college students with the career direction and professional development they need to confidently navigate their new careers in food and agriculture.

    If you're pursuing a career in agricultural technology or just want to know more about how technology and innovation shape agriculture's bigger picture, this institute is for you!!!

    Application deadline is Dec. 2, 2020!

    Once selected to attend an Institute, the only cost to the student is travel. AFA and its partners cover hotel, meals and event materials!


  16. Now Hiring! New Positions Added


    If you are interested in student employment, please use the following links to access the student job boards: 

    Wage paying positions that do not require a Federal Work Study award: http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/studentjobs/t08_pageview/Home.htm

    Federal Work Study positions for those with a Federal Work Study Award: https://www.sfa.osu.edu/jobs/federal-work-study-program/federal-work-study-job-board

    If you need assistance or have questions, contact lemasters.27@osu.edu

    Student Assistant Position at OARDC Available

    Immunology and virology focused research lab in the Food Animal Health department has a position opened for a research assistant specializing research animal care.

    Experience with pig handling and care is helpful. In addition to caring for the pigs, general lab maintenance is needed, specifically autoclaving supplies, restocking lab supplies, labeling collection tubes, preparing solutions and media.

    Additional assistance is needed on necropsy days with animal restraint, collection of animal samples, tissue processing and storage of samples. This person will comply with lab and federal animal care protocols and go through the training requirements.

    For more information visit go.osu.edu/atistudentjobs

    Local Dairy Farm Help Wanted

    Help wanted on a local dairy farm milking cows and feeding calves.  We are located 10 minutes from school and need help with morning and evening chores.  Will work with school schedules.  We milk 200 registered Holsteins and raise our own replacement heifers. If interested please e-mail use at wilsan5693@yahoo.com or call Brett at 330-317-3361 or Sandy at 330-317-3362.  Our address is 5693 Back Orville Rd. Wooster, OH 44691

    Weaver Leather Now Hiring!

    Weaver Leather, located in Mount Hope, is in need of part-time help in the warehouse and manufacturing divisions. They are offering VERY flexible schedules. If interested please fill out an application or send your resume to,

    Attn: Human Resources Manager

    Weaver Leather, LLC

    7540 CR 201

    P.O. Box 68

    Mt. Hope, Ohio 44660-0068


    Cafe Carmen is Hiring for Spring Semester!

    Starting rate is $9.50 an hour with a free meal each shift. Please apply online at https://dining.osu.edu/student-employment/  and upload your class schedule.

    OSU ATI Dairy Farm

    Job opening at the ATI Dairy Farm! Duties include milking, feeding, cleaning, and general care of the dairy herd.  Must be available to work from November 30th through January 11th.  If interested email Brandon Lawwill at lawwill.1@osu.edu