Buckeye Buzz: March 28 - April 3, 2022

  1. Digital Dating Safety

     Learn some tips to keep yourself safe with OneEighty! 

    Interactive session while playing Kahoot! Opportunity to win gift cards!

    Pizza will be provided!

    When: Monday March 28th at 6:00 pm

    Where: Housing Community Room

  2. April Paint Night - Sign up now!

     Sign up now for April Paint Night at the SAC!

    Limited to 20 students! 


    When: Monday, April 4th at 7:00 pm

    Where: The SAC

    Register at go.osu.edu/PaintNight

  3. Digital Caricatures - Virtual

     Zoom in on April 6 between 6 - 8 pm to receive your Digital Caricature!

    Use your image as a new IG profile pic!!!

    Meet Buckeyes from every campus!

    Open to all students!

  4. Cooking with Burkey...Pre-register Now!

     You may know him as the COVID Testing Coordinator, but did you know he can cook too???

    Sign up now for Cooking with Burkey!

    When: Thursday, April 7th

    *Register by April 5th at go.osu.edu/CrockPot

    Where: Housing Community Room

    This event has two parts.....

    8:30 am - Prep your meal for the day as it slow cooks in the crock pot!

    5:00 pm - Come back and enjoy!!

  5. SAVE-THE-DATE: Celebration of Students Week

    SAVE-THE-DATE.....full schedule of events coming soon!

    Celebration of Students Week - April 11 -15, 2022

  6. Singles Billiards Tournament

     Sign up for the Singles Billiards Tournament!

    WHEN: Wednesday, March 30th at 5:00 pm

    Registration Deadline: March 28th

    HOW: Sign up at IMLeagues.com/OSUATI OR in the SAC Gameroom

    Winner receives Buffalo Wild Wings Gift Card!

  7. Bull Bash 2022

    Bull Bash 2022

    When: April 12th ath 4:30 pm

    Where: Housing Courtyard

    Enjoy Pulled Pork, Mac-n-cheese, drinks and cookies!

    FREE Bandanas for giveaways

    All are welcome to attend and ride or watch!

  8. ATI Student Recognition Banquet

  9. Celebration of Nations - March 29th

  10. Peace Corps at Celebration of Nations

  11. CFAES Global Education at Celebration of Nations

  12. Tech Tutoring Available

    Got Tech Questions? Talk with Digital Flagship!

    Tech Tutoring

  13. Buck-I-Eats Pantry

    Our pantry was previously located in Skou Hall, inside Student Success Services.  In order to increase access, we’ve relocated to the Student Activities Center.

    FREE sustainable grocery bag!

    The Buck-I-Eats Pantry is here to help all CFAES Wooster students who may lack access to affordable nutritious food and provide access to small personal care items. 


    The pantry will be availble when the SAC is open. 

    Monday - Thursday | 7:00 am - 9:00 pm

    Friday | 7:00 am - 7:00 pm

    Saturday | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

    Sunday | 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    *If you need emergency access outside of these hours, please contact Katie LeMasters.27.

    **Note: SAC hours may be adjusted due to events, holidays and staffing. 


    If you would like to donate non-persishable food items and/or personal hygiene products, donations can be brought to the SAC during open hours or contact Katie LeMasters.27.

    If you would like to make a financial donation, CLICK HERE.

  14. STEP Program

    Graduated from high school in 2021?

    Going on to Columbus to complete a Bachelor's degree?

    Interested in getting $2,000?

    Contact Penny Nemitz.7 to find out more!!

    Also, check out our website to view our NEW VIDEO!

  15. Attention Graduates...It's time for caps and gowns!

    Attention graduates! 

    Those planning to participate in commencement on Saturday, May 7, may purchase their cap, gown, and tassel at the ATI Bookstore beginning the week of April 4th. 

    Want to show off your creativity and imagination? 

    Bring your graduation cap to the Ohio State ATI Library and decorate it for commencement in your own unique style.  There will be supplies and ideas to help you create the perfect cap for your big day!

  16. Transitioning to Columbus AU22 and Living on Campus?

    Transitioning to Columbus  in SU22 or AU22? Please contact Cate Hunko.1, the Transition Counselor, to begin the process. If you are planning to live on campus and depending where, there are a few deadlines to meet in February. 

  17. Get Assistance in the Learning Lab!

    Appointments for individual tutors and their hours are located on ON-COURSE. If you need any help with finding a tutor or any questions please email me at nemitz.7@osu.edu We look forward to seeing you this autumn. Remember tutoring is important in your academic success.


    Meet a Tutor...

    parrotHi, my name is Zoe Parrott and I am from Mansfield, Ohio. I am majoring in Agriscience Education. As a tutor in the Learning Lab, I am prepared to help with general education courses. I am also able to help you with time management and how to study for important tests and exams. I am open to help through zoom or face-to-face meetings whichever makes you feel most comfortable. If you ever need someone to talk to, I am here to help.

  18. 2022-2023 Financial Aid and Scholarship Updates

    Learn more about 2022-2023 financial aid and scholarship updates, verification reminders, private loans for spring term, and emergency funding assistance.

    Financial Aid & Scholarships

    Although priority deadlines have past for the 2022-2023 academic year, there are still opportunities available for financial aid and scholarships.

    1. Complete and submit the 2022-2023 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Applications are accepted and processed after the deadline, on a funds available basis.  Federal school code: 003090 (Ohio State University – all campuses)
    2. Apply at ScholarshipUniverse and explore external scholarship opportunities. Internal scholarships have expired.  As you complete the questions, you will be directed to external scholarship application opportunities to further complete and submit. 
    3. Search your local county community foundation (i.e. Wayne County Community Foundation) for scholarship opportunities.
    Verification Reminders:
    • Check your OSU webmail often for any email notifications from University Student Financial Aid or,
    • Log into Buckeye Link > My Financial Aid > 2023 Aid Year > To Do List.  If selected for verification, please complete and submit the forms requested by the due date(s) provided in order for your financial aid to be processed later this spring. Use the Secure Document Uploader to submit forms.
    Private Loan Information:

    View FASTChoice for private loan servicers and products.  There is still time to apply for a 2022 spring only loan if in need.

    COVID-19 Financial Assistance:

    Expenses such as food, housing, course materials, tuition, technology, health care and childcare.  Apply at: Emergency Request Form


    • Currently enrolled
    • Demonstrate financial need or hardship caused by COVID-19 (loss of job, reduced hours, inability to travel, family layoffs)
    • While a FAFSA is not required, you may be asked to complete one before your application is processed
    ATI Student Emergency Fund:

    If you are experiencing an unplanned financial emergency, the ATI Student Emergency Fund may be an option.

    • Students must be an undergraduate, enrolled at Ohio State ATI
    • Students must be in good academic standing with a minimum 2.0 GPA.  Extenuating circumstances may be evaluated
    • Students may make use of this fund one time per academic year
    • Documentation of need may be required
    • Students may be required to attend one academic coaching session and one financial counseling session



    Contact ATI Academic Affairs: AtiAcademicAffairs@osu.edu or 330-287-1303


  19. Military and Veteran Student Success Services

    Military and Veteran Student Success Services. If you're a Veteran, Active-duty, Guard, Reserve, ROTC Cadet/Midshipmen or family member student, we're here to support your academic success! We will assist you to transition to campus, connect you to campus resources for your academic and health & wellness needs and to identify community resources for everyday needs. Contact us at https://ati.osu.edu/currentstudents/military-veterans

  20. Disability Services Invites Students to Contact Us!


    Disability Services invites students to contact us! In this context, ‘disability’ is a broad term that includes, ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum, mental health conditions, chronic health conditions (e.g., asthma and diabetes), learning disabilities, physical & sensory impairments, and temporary accommodations for injuries (e.g., broken limb). We also hire students as access and lab assistants. Contact us at https://ati.osu.edu/disability-services.

  21. 1098-T forms Available

    1098-T forms for 2021 are now available via Buckeye Link.

  22. Looking for a job in Wayne County???

    2022 Wayne County Career Expo

    Bringing Job-Seekers and Careers Together

    Come join us for our annual Career Expo on April 29, 2022 at UA Wayne College, 1901 Smucker Road, Orrville. 

    For more information visit: https://everybodyworks.org/wayne-careerexpo/


  23. Waterman Dairy

    Summer Internships for ATI Students:

    The Ohio State Waterman Dairy is looking for ATI students who are interested in a paid summer internship and/or employment for 2022.
    The OSU Waterman Dairy milks 100 registered Jerseys and raises approximately 165 replacement heifers. The farm facilitates research, gives tours to a wide range of ages, and allows for hands on college course experiences.

    This summer the Waterman Dairy looks forward to initiating construction for an automated milking, feeding, & manure removal system from Lely!
    Benefits to summer employment gives employees preference to limited fall semester positions if attending main campus in the fall. Limited free, on farm housing, can be provided to students who demonstrate good knowledge and work ethic. These students are held to a higher level of accountability and take on the role of student managers. Connections can be made for students seeking housing off campus for summer.
    Besides general dairy chores other opportunities can be tailored to fit internship requirements or employee interests. Students are responsible for chores during the week (3:45am/pm until approx. 8:00am/pm) and every other weekend. Work hours are flexible outside of chore shifts and the farm is located within a mile of campus to allow a convenient commute between or after classes.

    Work experience can be gained in the following on farm practices:
    Cattle Treatment
    Herd Checks
    Dairy Reproduction
    Heifer/Calf Management
    Pasture Management
    Equipment Maintenance
    Parlor Maintenance
    Crop Production
    Extension & Outreach

    For more detailed information pertaining to job opportunities please contact John or Bekah by Friday, April 8, 2022.


    John Lemmermen, Farm Manager

    Bekah Meller, Herd Manager


  24. Now Hiring!

    Looking for a job??

    Students looking for on-campus jobs:  log in to workday.osu.edu  and set the Primary Location to “Wooster Campus” using the options on the left side of the page.

    1. Log into Workday. 
    2. In the Applications section, click the Career Application.
    3. In the View Section, click either Search Students Jobs or Search Student Federal Work Study Jobs. (Set location now)
    4. Click the Job Title (ex. Student Assistant) to view the job posting details.
    5. Click Apply to apply for the job.

    Students looking for employment in the Wooster area: create an account at Handshake.osu.edu