Buckeye Buzz: March 1 - 7, 2021

  1. Monthly Buzz Highlights

    Check out March's monthly Buzz Highlights!!

    March Buzz

  2. Halfway There Bullet Journal Worskhop

    We are Halfway There!! Halfway thorugh the semester that is!!

    Learn some practical and creative ways to stay organized and productive as you finish out the year. 

    When: Thursday, March 4th from 7:00 - 8:30 pm via Zoom.

    Link: go.osu.edu/bujo

    All you need for this event is a blank journal, ruler and writing utensil!

    Our presenter, Marci Walton, works with college students at Xavier University in Cincinnati. In this role, she is required to be both creative and organized, which is the perfect intersection for bullet journaling. Marci has maintained a bullet journal for nearly five years and regularly presents to college students and young professionals on this practical and creative way to keep your life together. She brings decades of experience in instructing, supporting, and inspiring people to discover their creativity and methods to structure their lives for maximum impact. She looks forward to creating with you!

  3. Cellphone Smackdown

    Saturday, March 6, 2021 - Cellphone Smackdown at 7pm

    The battle is on in Cell Phone Smackdown! In this quick-paced virtual competition, all you need is your cell phone (and maybe a flair for trivia). Questions are in multiple-choice format with a broad variety of categories – from geography, to science to history, math and more. You’re playing for points and leaderboard spots – score the most points at the end of each round and you win! 

    Every Cell Phone Smackdown game includes four chances to win and $200 in cash prizes! Grab your smartphone and let the games begin!

    Event link - https://eventgameshows.com/osu36/

  4. Human Battleship

    Join in a night of fun with Human Battleship!! Sign up your team by March 10th at 5:00 pm!!  Each team should have 5 members.

    When: Thursday, March 11th beginning at 6:00 pm

    Teams will be notified via email on March 11th of match time.

    This is a single elimination tournament!

    Want to play but don't have a team?? Contact Jodie Holava.1 to be placed on the free agency list!

    Champs win t-shirts and bragging rights!

    Register at go.osu.edu/humanbattleship

  5. March Madness Bracket Challenge

    It's time to get excited for March Madness!!!

    Participate by visiting IMLeagues.com/OSUATI and create an account.  Then just click on the March Madness promotion on the main page.  That's it!!

    Pick your teams on selection Sunday (March 14) shortly after the teams and bracket are announced you'll be able to select your teams! 

    Picks can be selected until Friday March 19.

    Winners and PRIZES will be awarded for Best Men's Bracket and Best Women's Bracket!

    Quesitons or need help setting up your IMLeagues account, contact Jodie Holava.1

  6. Virtual Fitness Classes


    Looking for some variety in your at-home training?  The SAC is teaming up with OSU-Mansfield to offer a variety of virtual fitness classes.  Classes are FREE and OPEN to all CFAES Wooster students, graduate students, faculty & staff! Class information below or at go.osu.edu/sacfitness


    Days: Tuesdays

    Times: 6:30pm

    Dates: January 26—April 6

    Location & Registration: Zoom Link—go.osu.edu/mansfieldKARATE

    Price: Free for all CFAES Wooster, OSU-M, &  NCSC Faculty, Staff & Students with valid Campus ID

    Instructor: Reneta Music

    Description: The adult karate class is designed to lead you to a first degree black belt or just provide you with self improvement. It will focus on the basics of karate with a large emphasis on life protection. You will become stronger, more confident, disciplined and your coordination will improve.



    Days: Thursdays

    Times: 6:30pm

    Dates: January 28—April 8

    Location & Registration: Zoom Link—go.osu.edu/mansfieldMOBILITYFORLIFE

    Price: Free for all CFAES Wooster, OSU-M, &  NCSC Faculty, Staff & Students with valid Campus ID

    Instructor: Reneta Music

    What to Bring: Foam Roller

    Description: Stressed from school? Stressed from teaching?? Stressed from working?? Stressed from ZOOM? Or just stressed from life? Mobility for life will provide tools for you to release those stressors from your mind and body. Releasing them, will allow you to have better focus in school, work and teaching. It will also allow you more restful sleep, in turn increasing your focus. 

    Attend all sessions or jump in as needed to address tension areas in your body.



    Days: Mondays

    Times: 7:30p.m.-8:00p.m.

    Dates: January 25—March 29

    Location & Registration: Zoom Link—go.osu.edu/mansfieldMBSR

    Price: Free for all CFAES Wooster, OSU-M, &  NCSC Faculty, Staff & Students with valid Campus ID

    Instructor: Lisa McManes

    What to Bring: Yoga Mat, Water & Journal

    Description: Each 30 minute class will be slightly different as we practice different mind-body meditative practices and principles to help you draw upon your inner resources for greater health, balance, and peace of mind. 



    Days: Wednesdays

    Times: 7:00p.m.-7:30p.m.

    Dates: January 27—March 31

    Location & Registration: Zoom Link—go.osu.edu/mansfieldPOUND

    Price: Free for all CFAES Wooster, OSU-M, &  NCSC Faculty, Staff & Students with valid Campus ID

    Instructor: Lisa McManes

    What to Bring: Yoga Mat, Water & drumsticks, wooden spoons or RIPSTIX

    Description: POUND Rockout Workout: POUND®  uses lightly weighted drumsticks called RIPSTIX to create resistance as you drum along to the beat of different music genres.  Instead of listening to music, you become the music in this exhilarating full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and Pilates-inspired movements.

    ***OPTIONAL You can purchase RIPSTIX at: https://poundfit.com



    Days: Mondays

    Times: 7:00p.m.-7:30p.m.

    Dates: January 25—March 29

    Location & Registration: Zoom Link—go.osu.edu/mansfieldVERAFLOW

    Price: Free for all CFAES Wooster, OSU-M, &  NCSC Faculty, Staff & Students with valid Campus ID

    Instructor: Lisa McManes

    What to Bring: Yoga Mat & Water

    Description: VeraFlow is a dance-based stretch class with mindfulness. It is a fun way of introducing flexibility and mobility training into your routine because of the dance elements.  It is all done to music.  Each class ends with a mindfulness session.  


  7. Student Org Trivia sponsored by Student Leadership Council

    The Student Leadership Council is hosting TRIVIA NIGHT for Student Orgs on Tuesday, March 16th at 8:30 pm!

    Get your team together to compete for money for your club!!

    1st place = $100.00, 2nd place = $75.00 &  3rd place = $50.00

    Register you team by March 11th by sending an email to SLC Vice-President Braxton James.1102 with your Org Name and Roster. Roster should include individuals Name.#.

    Sign up now for fun, money for your club and bragging rights!!!



  8. Student Org Essentials - Only Two Sessions Left!

    Essential Tips from Digital Flagship

    Through a partnership with the Digital Flagship, this spring's Student Org Essentials Series is designed to help you facilitate connection with prospective and current members by using innovative tech tools. In conjunction with the workshops, Digital Flagship will also highlight additional resources and ideas in the Student Org Insider throughout the semester. Sign up to attend Student Org Essentials to get hands-on guided practice with tools that can strengthen your organization and read the column below for more tips and support for your student organization from Digital Flagship.

    March 15 - Engaging Members in Virtual Meetings

    April 5 - Putting It All Together


    A university-supported tool is not only reviewed for both security and accessibility compliance, so everyone can feel comfortable with its use, but also comes with resources to help with their use. We’ve listed some resources below. 


  9. New Book Club Pick for Spring!

    We're reading an absolutely remarkable thing by hank green!

    Zoom meeting on March 24th at 7:00 pm

    Stop by the library to borrow one of our copies or order onw from OhioLink.

    For Zoom link or more info contact librarian Kathy Yoder at yoder.332@osu.edu

  10. 2021-22 SEEDs Program Accepting Applications! LAST WEEK TO APPLY!

    You can help drive change, share your feedback and ideas as we create an extraordinary experience at Ohio State by applying for the Student Experience and Engagement Delegates (SEEDs) program. Led by Dr. Melissa Shivers, Senior Vice President for Student Life, the program serves as a way for the university to gather feedback and ideas from as many students as possible. All undergraduate, graduate and professional students from any campus are encouraged to apply.

    Applications are due by March 21 at 5 p.m. 

    For more information visit: go.osu.edu/SEEDsprogram 

  11. Resilience Program

    Are you looking to help you looking to develop skills and capacity in resilience? At a time where our well being has maybe never been more challenged, Student Life is making resources available for all of our students to cultivate the skills and capacity of resilience in themselves and their peers through LeaderShape’s Resilience online modules. These interactive and engaging modules available to all Buckeyes this Spring to complete on your own time and at your own pace.

    These three online modules are available for all students now through May 1 for you to engage with on your own, or in a group. If you are looking for information on how to access Resilience, as well as more about the program, visit go.osu.edu/leadershapeosu.

    If you are completing Resilience in a group of 5 or more Student Life is also prepared to help lead reflection and conversation about the modules with your group.

    Any students who completes all three modules will also receive a certification from Student Life.

    For any questions, please reach out to Anna Wagner (wagner.1476@osu.edu).

  12. ATI Outstanding Student Recognition 2021

    It is time to recognize the outstanding students at Ohio State ATI. Just like everything else over the past year, our student recognition is being handled differently this spring. This year we will celebrate Outstanding Student Award recipients with a personalized video where they will be recognized for their achievement which will be posted on the Ohio State ATI website.  

    In order to be eligible, the student must be graduating Spring 2021, or have already graduated either Summer 2020 or Autumn 2020. The student must also have a minimum of 3.0 cumulative GPA. As a student that feels you are deserving of being considered for recognition, please read over the application form that is linked in this email. The application form contains the complete instructions for applying and submitting the necessary documents. Materials all must be correctly and completely filled in and the submission deadline is on or before Monday, March 8th

    The application document and endorsement document are both Microsoft Word documents this year, and can be accessed through the accompanying hyperlinks. When the hyperlink is selected it will download the Word document, if it does not open automatically you may need to navigate to your Downloads folder to open it. If you are using a mobile device, then you may need to prompt the browser to download the file instead of previewing the file. If you are using a mobile device you will need to make sure that you have the MS Word app on your device.  

    Student Application  https://osu.box.com/s/tsay9348mr18q6crzlzjlbwc0x3hplsj  

    Endorsement Statement  https://osu.box.com/s/3kzhs8t4cgjhbs8a85idwwx42xkzgzzk 

    If you have questions or are having difficulty with the application files, please contact me via email at king.478@osu.edu  



    Mr. King 

    ATI Student Recognition Banquet Committee Chair 

    The Ohio State University ATI 



  13. Apply for the 2021 Homecoming Court

    APPLY NOW for the 2021 Homecoming court

    The CFAES Wooster Homecoming Committee is now accepting applications for Homecoming Court 2021! Court members are chosen based on their leadership qualities, spirit, integrity and achievement through their contributions and involvement at Ohio State ATI.

    Will you be returning to Ohio State ATI in the fall? Will you have completed 30 credit hours and a 2.5 cumulative GPA by the end of spring semester? Do you consider yourself a leader and a role model? Do you LOVE be a Buckeye?? Then apply!!!

     Applications are available at go.osu.edu/CFAESWoosterHomecoming2021.

    Although the application process is this spring, all Homecoming activities and festivities will be held during autumn 2021 as well as community service project and fundraiser in spring 2022.

    The deadline to apply is March 12, 2021.  Contact Jodie Holava with any questions!

    GO BUCKS!!

  14. MRW Work Ethic Certification Program

    For ATI Students Only!!

    Wednesdays March 10 - April 21, 2021 from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm in Shisler Conference Center

    Based on Mike Rowe's S.W.E.A.T (Skill and Work Ethic Aren't Taboo) Pledge

    Students who successfully complete the program will receive an industry-recognized NC3 certificate!

    FREE to ATI Students and limited to the first 20 participants!

    Students graduating in SP21 have registration priority if you register by March 1.

    Register by March 5th - Send name, email address, phone number, degree program and ATI graduation year to sayers.1@osu.edu

    For more information: mikeroweworks.org/press/


  15. Complete your COVID-19 Testing & Be Entered to WIN PRIZES!!!

    Students who schedule and complete their weekly COVID-19 test will be eligible to be randomly selected for a variety of prizes, including gift cards, Main Street Wooster Downtown Dollars, and tech products!  Tech products include AirPods, AppleWatches and Bose Soundlinks!

    Those who test consistently will be entered to win larger prizes as well as an opportunity to win a MacBook at the end of the semester!

    Prizes will be randomly drawn on a weekly basis. Students should check their university email each week to see if they have been chosen. 

    You can read more about it on the university’s Safe and Healthy Buckeyes website: safeandhealthy.osu.edu/information/faculty-and-staff/testing/student-testing-program/covid-19-testing-incentives.  



  16. App Fest 2021

    Join Free Online App Development Sessions 

    Ever wanted an app that just doesn’t exist yet? Whether you want one for your small business or you have an idea to make life easier, App Fest is a great place to get started. Online sessions from March 8-10 will cover the basics of coding, designing and launching an app. Join us to learn from industry insiders and experts from Ohio State through discussion panels, workshops and self-paced online sessions. Registration is required, but this event is free and open to all.  



    Start Your App at App Fest 

    Learn from industry insiders and experts from Ohio State through discussion panels, workshops and self-paced online sessions at App Fest. This fully online event from March 8-10 will cover the basics of coding, designing and launching an app. Registration is required, but this event is free and open to everyone.


  17. Celebration of Students Program by CFAES Student Council

    As part of Celebration of Students Week (April 12-16) the CFAES Student Council holds an annual Celebration of Students Program in the spring. This year it will be over YouTube Premiere on April 15th at 7 p.m.

    To make the event more interactive and create a genuine sense of celebration for all who “attend”, the committee is creating a “Banquet in a Box” for everyone who registers by March 21

    Registration link - https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9sEdOtVHihYbFl4. This includes faculty and staff too!

  18. Buckeye Fresh Mini Meat Cutting Workshops

    Want to learn more about food animal processing? Ohio State University extension meat specialists are offering a two-day workshop to help the current labor force face challenges brought forth by the 2020 pandemic.

    What To Expect: Participants will have a better understanding of anatomy, muscle myology, cutting guidelines, food safety, meat quality, the role of processed meat and government regulated non-meat ingredients (i.e.salt, phosphates, nitrites, etc.) finalized by conducting hands-on cutting tests to understand the impact of yields on profit margins.

    Workshops are Friday and Saturday from 8 AM –5 PM

    Choose one of the following dates:
    •March 26 & 27
    •April 9 & 10
    •April 23 & 24
    •May 7 & 8
    •May 21 & 22

    Who Can Attend: Anyone (18 years of age and older) interested, or currently, working in meat processing plants.

    Cost: $125 (for both days)
    Method of Payment: Credit Card

    Location: OSU Animal Sciences Building, The Ohio State University Room 111 -Indoor Arena; 2029 Fyffe Court, Columbus, OH 43210

    Interested? Email: Dr. LydaG. Garcia, Extension Meat Specialist, garcia.625@osu.edu



  19. Thinking about Transition? Talk with Cate!

    Cate Hunko.1 the ATI Transition Counselor is holding Transition to Columbus information sessions.

    Please hop on to ask questions or listen to the process for campus change.

    Campus Change Request forms due now if you are planning to transition in AU21. 

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Contact Cate Hunko.1@osu.edu

  20. The Learning Lab is Here to Help!!


    Don't forget the Learning Lab is up and running virtuall!!!!


    And we are using on-course to report and write notes as needed!!

    If you have any questions PLEASE feel free to email/call/zoom

    Be Safe

    Penny     nemitz.7@osu.edu


    Get to know our tutors...

    WisemanHello everyone! My name is Brooke Wiseman, and I am from New Lexington, Ohio. I am majoring in Agribusiness. I will be able to assist you in many of your business classes as well as math and general English. I can also help you adapt to online learning and lend a hand with techniques on managing your time. I am open for zoom and face-to-face tutoring. I am looking forward to helping you with your academic needs through these hard times!

  21. STEP Program - Find out more!!



    Graduated from high school in 2020-going on to Columbus to complete a Bachelor's degree-interested in getting $2000.00?? If so the STEP program could be for you.  Visit the STEP ATI website at https://ati.osu.edu/currentstudents/academics/step

    • The Second-Year Transformational Experience Program (STEP) is a one-of-a-kind opportunity created to enhance your success as a second-year student at OSU. ​

    •  Through interaction with a STEP Faculty Mentor and a small group of peers, you will have the opportunity to engage in a truly transformational experience across the course of your second year.  ​

    • Fall semester is focused on community building, goal setting, personal growth and identity exploration through engaging discussions and activities.  ​

    • In the spring semester, your Faculty Mentor will guide you through the process of crafting a proposal for a STEP Signature Project.​

    After looking at all the information PLEASE contact me Penny Nemitz at: nemitz.7@osu.edu for more information

  22. Financial Aid & Scholarships

    Learn more about 2021-2022 financial aid and scholarship updates, verification reminders, private loans for spring term, and emergency funding assistance.


    Financial Aid & Scholarships

    Although priority deadlines have passed for the 2021-2022 academic year, there are still opportunities available for financial aid and scholarships.

    1. Complete and submit the 2021-2022 FAFSA. Applications are accepted and processed after the deadline, on a funds available basis.  Federal school code: 003090 (Ohio State University – all campuses)
    2. Apply at ScholarshipUniverse and explore external scholarship opportunities. Internal scholarships have expired.  As you complete the questions, external scholarships that fit your criteria will populate for you to further complete and submit. 
    3. Search your local county community foundation (i.e. Wayne County Community Foundation) for scholarship opportunities.


    Verification Reminders:

    • Check your OSU webmail often for any email notifications from University Student Financial Aid or,
    • Log into Buckeye Link > My Financial Aid > 2022 Aid Year > To Do List.  If selected for verification, please complete and submit the forms requested by the due date(s) provided in order for your financial aid to be processed later this spring.


    Private Loan Information:

    View FASTChoice for private loan servicers and products.  There is still time to apply for a 2021 spring only loan if in need.


    COVID-19 Financial Assistance:

    Expenses such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and childcare.  Apply at: Emergency Request Form


    • Currently enrolled
    • Demonstrate financial need or hardship caused by COVID-19 (loss of job, reduced hours, inability to travel, family layoffs)
    • While a FAFSA is not required, you may be asked to complete one before your application is processed


    ATI Student Emergency Fund:

    If you are experiencing an unplanned financial emergency, the ATI Student Emergency Fund may be an option.

    • Students must be an undergraduate, enrolled at Ohio State ATI
    • Students must be in good academic standing with a minimum 2.0 GPA.  Extenuating circumstances may be evaluated
    • Students may make use of this fund one time per academic year
    • Documentation of need may be required
    • Students may be required to attend one academic coaching session and one financial counseling session



    Julia Morris.878@osu.edu or 330-287-1214, Coordinator of Student Financial Aid

    Katie LeMasters.27@osu.edu or 330-287-1235, Office of Academic Affairs Program Coordinator

  23. 1098-T's are Now Available!

    Looking ahead to April 20th?

    1098-T's are available for download in your Buckeye Link. 

    For more information click here!

  24. OH-Zone Virtual Career Fair

    The OHZone Virtual Career Fair is a collaboration hiring event put on by OhioMeansJobs Ashland, Holmes and Wayne Counties. This free fair is designed to provide you an opportunity to connect with businesses that have available positions and are ready to hire all without leaving the comfort of your home. The OHZone Virtual Career Fair is presented by our JobsOhio Network Partner, Team NEO – a business and economic development organization focused on accelerating economic growth and job creation throughout the 18 counties of Northeast Ohio. 

    Click here to view event flyer.

  25. AFA Leader and Academic Scholarship Application Deadline Approaching

    Less than two weeks until AFA Leaders and Academic Scholarship applications are due! Last year AFA, awarded more than $300,000 in academic dollars. 

    AFA and its partners award annual scholarships to undergraduate students enrolled in agriculture and food-related degree programs across the US.

    Awards vary in ammounts, but are at least $1,600 and include acceptance to AFA Leaders Conference.  The only cost to you is the time spent filling out the application and travel expenses to AFA Leaders Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.

    Application Deadline is March 10, 2021.  

    Here are some tips as you prepare your application:

    • Ensure you are within the AFA eligibility requirements before apply.
    • Fill in as much as you can for intern and work experience. Every experience counts during the selection process. Scoring is done based on the information entered into the form. Those who maximize opportunities to tell us about yourself will be more competitive in the selection process.
    • Double-check your grammar, spelling, punctuation as they are part of the scoring criteria. 


  26. Cunningham Appalachian Student Scholarship

    Dear Appalachian Students,

    The Community of Appalachian Student Leaders (CASL) is a student organization that aims to connect and engage students from the Appalachian region with fellow Appalachian students at The Ohio State University, while working towards developing our academic, professional, and leadership skills. It is our goal to build a student community through peer support and sharing our experiences from our rich region. Appalachian students at Ohio State often come from small, tight-knit, and rural communities. OSU is quite the opposite of this, and the transition to a campus this large can be difficult. In addition, our personal experiences do not always align with others. This can be very frustrating as a young adult and college student. Collectively, we can increase our sense of belonging, which will contribute to our academic success and carry on into the rest of our lives. Our goal is to help others, especially back home, do the same. Learn more about our group at https://u.osu.edu/appalachia/community-of-appalachian-student-leaders-casl/

    Cunningham Scholarship

    CASL will once again be helping award the Patricia Cunningham Scholarship. This fund is designated to provide scholarship opportunities to undergraduate students from Appalachian counties in honor of Dr. Patricia Cunningham, WGSS alumna, to further her pledge of increasing access to higher education for underrepresented students. This scholarship will be awarded based on academic merit and commitment to student leadership. Dr. Cunningham was a three-time graduate of Ohio State University and received her Bachelor of Arts in Women's Studies in 2002 going on to receive her doctorate in Education Policy and Leadership in 2011. She was the founder of the Appalachian Project Ohio which focused on pathways to education for Ohio State's Appalachian students. Dr. Patty dedicated her time, resources, and soul to serving underrepresented students both on and off-campus. She tirelessly worked to break down barriers for students to obtain a college education and pursue their endeavors beyond.


    A scholarship of up to $1,500 will be awarded for the 2020-2021 academic year. Applications will be reviewed based on academic merit and commitment to student leadership.

    Undergraduate students from the Appalachian region in any Arts and Sciences major are encouraged to apply by March 31, 2021. Students must be enrolled full-time during the 2021-2022 academic year to be eligible.


    Apply here: https://wgss.osu.edu/cunningham-scholarship-application

  27. Upcoming CFAES Career Workshops


    Upcoming Career Workshops


    Especially for SENR Students: Internship Requirements

    Learn about internship requirements in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and how to conduct your internship search. Open to all SENR students.
    Questions: Hadella.1@osu.edu

    Tuesday, March 9th 4 – 5 PM



    Thursday, March 25th 11– Noon



    Monday, April 5th 4 – 5 PM


  28. Ask Me Anything!

  29. Internships

    ABS Global is now recruiting for a variety of exciting opportunities for our Summer 2021 intern positions! Depending on positions, internships are open to high-school grads or those pursuing a degree at an accredited technical college or university.  To view more info and openings CLICK HERE!

    AgCareers.com presents internship opportunities from valued partners!! Simply CLICK HERE to find current opportunities within each company overview.  You'll discover each organizations' job postings, and within that list you'll find internship openings!

    Witmer's Feed and Grain is offering a 2021 Summer Internship Opportunity with their Replacement Heifer Rearing Program

    For more information and details, check out the flyer!

    Hondros Hemp Farms has an internship opportunity for May - August 2021.  This is a paid internship located in Mt. Gilead, OH.  Application deadline is March 30, 2021.  CLICK HERE for more information and visit www.hondroshempfarms.com

    ArtiFlex: College Intern/Co-op  - PAID INTERNSHIP!!!

    Position Summary

    The College Intern/Co-op student will perform duties per rotational departmental assignment.  The Co-op student reports to the Manager or General Supervisor of the assigned department.  The job assignment per work session is determined by the Human Resource Director.

    Duties and Responsibilities

    The typical departments a Management Co-op may rotate through are: Human Resources, Quality, Continuous Improvement, Purchasing, Accounting, Finance, Sales, Engineering, and EHS (Environmental Health & Safety), Operations


    • High School Diploma
    • Current Junior or Senior in accredited college program
    • Ability to communicate orally and in writing
    • Ability to perform a wide variety of physical tasks
    • Proficiency in Microsoft Products

    Who you will work with:

    • All employees, departmental leaders, human resources department, external community contacts.

    Work Environment

    • The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
    • While performing the duties of this Job, the employee is frequently exposed to moving mechanical parts. The employee is occasionally exposed to fumes or airborne particles. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate.  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided and required to wear while on the shop floor.
    • Office regularly
    • Shop floor occasionally

    Physical Demands

    The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

    While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to talk or hear. The employee is frequently required to stand and walk. The employee is frequently required to sit; use hands to finger, handle, or feel; operate standard office equipment (including but not limited to computer, telephone, copier); reach with hands and arms; climb or balance; stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 25 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, color vision, peripheral vision, depth perception and ability to adjust focus.

    Shift Hours

    • Hours will vary based on student and business needs

    Why work for ArtiFlex Manufacturing?

    This is a paid student intern/co-op position based in Wooster, OH. We are looking for students who are ready to embark on a variety of real world work experiences through rotational job assignments.  The job assignments will vary based on the department rotation. As a student intern/co-op you will have the opportunity participate and lead project assignments, collaborate with employees company-wide, and take part in professional development opportunities.

    Our paid student intern/co-op positions will work either part-time or full-time based on student and business needs. Benefits as a paid student intern co-op:

    • $20 - $22 per hour
    • Flexible schedule options
    • 3 vacations days per semester
    • Free Fitness Zone membership
    • Students may qualify for furnished housing assistance

    Company Description https://www.artiflexmfg.com/careers

    Innovation isn’t just what we do. It’s who we are. ArtiFlex Manufacturing designs and builds products and solutions for companies with tough challenges by employing people with a willingness and ability to be “Innovative. Problem Solving. Partners.”

    To do this, we support and embody a vision of safely growing our people and unleashing their full potential because we see greatness in everyone we hire. Better products and services for our customers result from the dedicated development of our employees. That’s our culture.

    Imagine your possibilities with ArtiFlex and apply to one of our current openings or submit your resume or application for consideration to future openings.

    Loudonville Farmers Equity has an internship opportunity for Summer of 2021!

    Working outdoors with our agronomy team!

    Loudonville Farmers Equity is a farmer owned cooperative in southern Ashland County Ohio, serving our area farmers since 1915. We are now taking internship applications for the summer of 2021. The internship opportunities that we are offering are with our agronomy team. You will have the opportunity to help farmers maximize their crops potential with our Certified Crop Advisors. You will gain experience from observing their interactions with our customers and of course their crop management recommendations. During peak planting you will work daily with our operations manager getting seeds, fertilizers, and crop protection products delivered to our farmer customers and also help our crew of custom planters, side dressers, dry spreaders, and sprayers. We have found that some of our customers have come to rely on us to get most all of their crop work done for them so they can focus on their livestock operations. This past year we covered over 68,000 acres of custom fieldwork out of our single location in Loudonville. We all work with the drive and pride that we have for our own family farms as we serve our community.

    If you are interested in learning more about what you can expect from your internship at Loudonville Farmers Equity, please contact me by email, text, or phone call. I look forward each year to helping young ag professionals gain experience to be the best they can be!

    Best Regards, Jon Spreng

    CEO/General Manager Email: jspreng@lfe.bz Cell#: 419-571-3470

    The American Angus Association’s field services team is excited to announce that we are offering a fall internship designed to enhance a student’s abilities to build effective relationships, craft a promotional strategy, and learn about the Angus business and cattle industry as a whole. From assisting with herd visits to securing advertising in the Angus Journal and Angus Beef Bulletin, providing insight to producers and more, the regional manager intern will gain valuable hands-on, real-world experience in the Angus business. Applicants should have a basic understanding of the cattle industry, be eager to learn, and have a willingness to travel.

    We are accepting applications from college juniors or seniors studying animal science, agricultural business or other agricultural-related major. Candidates should be outgoing, able to work well with all types of people and be a self-starter.

    The internship begins in August and extends through early December. The intern would be based at the American Angus Association headquarters in St. Joseph, Mo., with numerous opportunities to travel to different regions of the country. Specific start and end dates will be negotiated depending on the applicant’s availability. The intern will be expected to travel and some weekend work may be required.


    • Assist regional managers in making herd visits in various regions across the country

    • Promote the Angus breed and represent the American Angus Association by attending production sales, AngusLink audits and other events

    • Communicate with producers and recommend management practices, with the advice of the Director of Member Services, Director of Field Services and regional managers

    • Assist breeders in getting started in the Angus business

    • Aide in securing advertising for the Angus Journal and Angus Beef Bulletin

    Intern Can Expect To:

    • Develop a better understanding of the Angus business and cattle industry as a whole

    • Enhance relationship-building skills and leave with countless connections across the country

    • Be an active extension of the field services and Association staff

    • Become well-rounded in agricultural industry relations
    • Attend various events and travel with regional manager staff throughout the internship duration

    How to Apply:

    Please submit a cover letter and résumé to careers@angus.org no later than May 1, 2021

    Summer Agronomy Internship

    The position will be full time lasting the duration of the summer break.

    Tasks will include agronomy work and scouting on a 10,000 acre family farm.  We grow corn, soybeans and wheat.

    Our location is 9800 Township Rd 179, Kenton, OH 43326

    Contact:  Trent Watkins    watkinstw@gmail.com


  30. Job Postings - New Positions Added Weekly!


    If you are interested in student employment, please use the following links to access the student job boards: 

    Wage paying positions that do not require a Federal Work Study award: http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/studentjobs/t08_pageview/Home.htm

    Federal Work Study positions for those with a Federal Work Study Award: https://www.sfa.osu.edu/jobs/federal-work-study-program/federal-work-study-job-board

    If you need assistance or have questions, contact lemasters.27@osu.edu

    Student Activities Communications Assistant

    Looking for experience in managing and developing social media outlets? How about creating features in the Buckeye Buzz? Want to promote and marketing events? Apply to become the Student Activities Communications Assistant.  Work study and non-work student eligible student position with flexible hours.

    How to apply:

    1. Visit: https://hr.osu.edu/careers/
    2. Scroll to bottom and select “Current Employees and Students Apply Here” (this will take you to a Workday page)
    3. Click “Career”
    4. Click “Search Faculty and Staff Jobs”-
    5. In the search bar at the top, type in R4300 (this will take you to job posting)
    6. Click Apply

    Any questions, contact Jodie Holava at holava.1@osu.edu.

    Idyl Wild Farms Loudonville

    Wanted weekend help on dairy farm. If you are interested in feeding calves, feeding cows, and outside chores please contact JoAnne Weber (419-565-3550). We would love to have you be part of our team!

    Mohican Hills Golf Club - Seasonal- Help Wanted!

    We are looking for anyone interested in working at Mohican Hills Golf Course. Would be working maintaining sand traps, cutting cups, and mowing.  Must be reliable and responsible. 20 to 40 hours a week. If interested, please contact JoAnne Weber (owner) to set up an interview. Email: office.mohicanhillsgolfclub@gmail.com or call 419-368-3303.

    Full-time Repair Production Manager in Wooster

    Hands-on job that requires good mechanical and tool skills, management and leadership traits, and general accounting and back office tasks/responsibilities. Looking for someone who wants to approach the work as if it was their own small business.

    For more information visit, https://careers-kamandistribution.icims.com/jobs/5923/production-manager/job?mode=view

    Full-time Feeder and Miscellaneous Maintenance Position

    Looking to hire a full time feeder and miscellaneous maintenance person. Hours would be 7-5 on average, more or less given the time of year and every other weekend off. Starting pay is $14 per hour. 

    Kevin Spreng is the owner and operator of several dairy farms located in the Shreve area of southwestern Wayne County, Ohio.  Some of the farm names are Willow Brook Dairy and Idyl Brook.  Keven is a younger, very progressive dairy farm operator.  If interested in this employment opportunity, please contact Kevin at kspreng11@gmail.com

    Farm Operations Manager Needed

    Matthys Farm Market, located in South Bend, IN, a farming operation and retail business is looking for an individual seeking an opportunity to manage, operate and maintain our family farm. Interested candidates must have full knowledge of vegetable and grain farming, skilled in equipment maintenance, valid driver's license and willing to relocate this crop year.

    Get to know us: www.matthysfarmmarket.com  or Facebook:  Matthys Farm Market

    Send resume to:  john.matthysfarmmarket@gmail.com

    Bristol/Catalpadale Dairy 

    Calf Herd Duties

    -Knowledgeable of heifer disease and injury treatment

    -Observe overall health of heifer herd and treat as needed

    -Feeding of calf herd, birth to 4 months of age

    -Treat/vaccinate calves (IV, injections, orals)

    -Record keeping

    -Ability to operate machinery, truck/trailer

    -Assist vet when needed

    -Able to work with a team

    -Assist with bedding and housing cleanliness as well as sanitization of feeding equipment

    -Move calves to appropriate pens during life span

    -Eartagging and notching

    -Other duties as assigned

    We seek a candidate that is motivated, responsible, dependable, a good communicator, a self-starter, demonstrates initiative, is pro-active, can take direction, and is willing to learn.

    If interested, please contact Tristan Ramseyer at ramseyer35@gmail.com

    Student Assistant Position at OARDC Available

    Immunology and virology focused research lab in the Food Animal Health department has a position opened for a research assistant specializing research animal care.

    Experience with pig handling and care is helpful. In addition to caring for the pigs, general lab maintenance is needed, specifically autoclaving supplies, restocking lab supplies, labeling collection tubes, preparing solutions and media.

    Additional assistance is needed on necropsy days with animal restraint, collection of animal samples, tissue processing and storage of samples. This person will comply with lab and federal animal care protocols and go through the training requirements.

    For more information visit go.osu.edu/atistudentjobs

    Local Dairy Farm Help Wanted

    Help wanted on a local dairy farm milking cows and feeding calves.  We are located 10 minutes from school and need help with morning and evening chores.  Will work with school schedules.  We milk 200 registered Holsteins and raise our own replacement heifers. If interested please e-mail use at wilsan5693@yahoo.com or call Brett at 330-317-3361 or Sandy at 330-317-3362.  Our address is 5693 Back Orville Rd. Wooster, OH 44691

    Weaver Leather Now Hiring!

    Weaver Leather, located in Mount Hope, is in need of part-time help in the warehouse and manufacturing divisions. They are offering VERY flexible schedules. If interested please fill out an application or send your resume to,

    Attn: Human Resources Manager

    Weaver Leather, LLC

    7540 CR 201

    P.O. Box 68

    Mt. Hope, Ohio 44660-0068


    Cafe Carmen is Hiring for Spring Semester!

    Starting rate is $9.50 an hour with a free meal each shift. Please apply online at https://dining.osu.edu/student-employment/  and upload your class schedule.

    Sterling Heights Dairy

    Sterling Heights dairy is looking for help at their heifer farm located approximately 15 minutes from the ATI campus.  Tasks would involve feeding calves, milking, and feeding heifers among other things.  If interested please call or text Mark Saal at 330-347-7502.