Buckeye Buzz: January 24 - 30, 2022

Student Activities Center (SAC)

  1. Are you returning to ATI in 2022-2023?? Do you want to help connect our first-year students to campus in fun and engaging activities??

    Then apply to be a Bucks2Bucks Peer Mentor!! 


    To share one’s knowledge and experience 

Student Organizations

  1. Hello, ATI--

  2. The Dairy Club is going to have their first meeting of the year on January 27th at 7:00 pm in Skou 100.  

    We will be discussing future meetings or events and the invitational judging contest we will be hosting!!



  3. The 62nd Student Life Leadership Awards will be hosted on April 1

Campus Announcements

  1. The Wooster Science Café was established to provide a forum in the Wooster community for dialog between the public and scientists about contemporary topics.

  2. Our pantry was previously located in Skou Hall, inside Student Success Services.  In order to increase access, we’ve relocated to the Student Activities Center.

    FREE sustainable grocery bag!

  3. 11th CFAES Wooster Celebration of Nations will be held Tuesday, February 8th from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm in Shisler Center Ballroom

    Enjoy FREE food from dozens of countries!

    Meet many of OSU Wooster's students, faculty and staff at tables with items from their native lands!

Academic Affairs

  1. See what’s new with the Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness (previously known as Health and Wellness Innovation in Healthcare) and be

  2. Are your undergraduate students looking for opportunities to apply economics to real world problems?

  3. Transitioning to Columbus  in SU22 or AU22? Please contact Cate Hunko.1, the Transition Counselor, to begin the process.

  4. Save the Date for the CFAES Spring Career Fairs

    2/16/22 In-Person, Ohio Center Union

    2/17/22 Virtual, Handshake

    Sign up through Handshake beginning January 10th

    Need a ride to Columbus to attend Fair?

  5. Appointments for individual tutors and their hours are located on ON-COURSE.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

  1. The CFAES Scholarship application deadline is fast approaching!  Please complete the application BEFORE February 15, 2022!

  2. Ohio State ATI 2022-2023 Financial Aid Check List – FEBRUARY DEADLINES!

Student Success Services

  1. Military and Veteran Student Success Services.


Job Postings

  1. Looking for a job??