If you are interested in student employment, please use the following links to access the student job boards:
Wage paying positions that do not require a Federal Work Study award: http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/studentjobs/t08_pageview/Home.htm
Federal Work Study positions for those with a Federal Work Study Award: https://www.sfa.osu.edu/jobs/federal-work-study-program/federal-work-study-job-board
If you need assistance or have questions, contact lemasters.27@osu.edu
Student Activities Communications Assistant
Looking for experience in managing and developing social media outlets? How about creating features in the Buckeye Buzz? Want to promote and marketing events? Apply to become the Student Activities Communications Assistant. Work study and non-work student eligible student position with flexible hours.
How to apply:
- Visit: https://hr.osu.edu/careers/
- Scroll to bottom and select “Current Employees and Students Apply Here” (this will take you to a Workday page)
- Click “Career”
- Click “Search Faculty and Staff Jobs”
- In the search bar at the top, type in R4300 (this will take you to job posting)
- Click Apply
Any questions, contact Jodie Holava at holava.1@osu.edu.
CFAES Wooster COVID Testing Hiring Student Assistants! URGENT!
Students must be available to work from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm on Wednesdays (hopefully starting on 2/3/21).
How to apply:
- Visit: https://hr.osu.edu/careers/
- Scroll to bottom and select “Current Employees and Students Apply Here” (this will take you to a Workday page)
- Click “Career”
- Click “Search Faculty and Staff Jobs”
- In the search bar at the top, type in R2482 (this will take you to my job posting)
- Click Apply
Once applied, please reach out to Zac Burkey and let him know you have applied (burkey.56@osu.edu).
Student Assistant Position at OARDC Available
Immunology and virology focused research lab in the Food Animal Health department has a position opened for a research assistant specializing research animal care.
Experience with pig handling and care is helpful. In addition to caring for the pigs, general lab maintenance is needed, specifically autoclaving supplies, restocking lab supplies, labeling collection tubes, preparing solutions and media.
Additional assistance is needed on necropsy days with animal restraint, collection of animal samples, tissue processing and storage of samples. This person will comply with lab and federal animal care protocols and go through the training requirements.
For more information visit go.osu.edu/atistudentjobs
Local Dairy Farm Help Wanted
Help wanted on a local dairy farm milking cows and feeding calves. We are located 10 minutes from school and need help with morning and evening chores. Will work with school schedules. We milk 200 registered Holsteins and raise our own replacement heifers. If interested please e-mail use at wilsan5693@yahoo.com or call Brett at 330-317-3361 or Sandy at 330-317-3362. Our address is 5693 Back Orville Rd. Wooster, OH 44691
Weaver Leather Now Hiring!
Weaver Leather, located in Mount Hope, is in need of part-time help in the warehouse and manufacturing divisions. They are offering VERY flexible schedules. If interested please fill out an application or send your resume to,
Attn: Human Resources Manager
Weaver Leather, LLC
7540 CR 201
P.O. Box 68
Mt. Hope, Ohio 44660-0068
Cafe Carmen is Hiring for Spring Semester!
Starting rate is $9.50 an hour with a free meal each shift. Please apply online at https://dining.osu.edu/student-employment/ and upload your class schedule.
Sterling Heights Dairy
Sterling Heights dairy is looking for help at their heifer farm located approximately 15 minutes from the ATI campus. Tasks would involve feeding calves, milking, and feeding heifers among other things. If interested please call or text Mark Saal at 330-347-7502.