Cultural Connections: Kazakhstan

RSVP through Friday, December 3 for a free lunch incl. chocolate from Kazakhstan.

Meirambek Mutalkhanov is a doctoral student at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Republic of Kazakhstan). The topic of his research work is the study of the rubber-bearing plant Tau saghyz (Scorzonera tau-saghyz Lipsch. et Bosse) in order to obtain rubber, which is an industrially important material. This type of plant is endemic, as it grows in the climate of Kazakhstan. He is also working on rubber dandelion at OSU Wooster in the lab of Professor Katrina Cornish in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Sciences. 

A talk in the series Cultural Connections—where culture meets agriculture


Wooster Science Building, Room 175/175A
1600 Wilson Rd, CFAES Wooster

THURSDAY, Dec. 9, 2021, 12:00-12:50 pm
Note the time and day of the week, which is Reading Day, so neither classes nor exams take place that day

RSVP for a seat and a free light lunch featuring chocolate from Kazakhstan by Friday, December 3 at Or you can stream live or watch later online by requesting a URL from that site.


Meirambek Mutalkhanov.

Visiting Scholar in the lab of  Dr. Katrina Cornish, FABE, CFAES Wooster


Lunch will be provided thanks to the generous support of the CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion