Ohio State/ATI STEP

Ohio step/ati step program

The Ohio State/ATI STEP program is looking for students who graduated from high school in 2019 and are continuing on to the Columbus campus to complete their Bachelors Degree.  This program is an excellent way for students to:

  • Develop a meaningful relationship with a faculty member.  Dr. Peggy Lindsey and Dr. Daniel Linden are the two faculty mentors on the Wooster/ATI Campus​
  • In the fall, expand your network of peers through weekly cohort meetings that will be taking place virtually.​
  • Identify ways to enhance your personal, academic and career goals.​
  • Strengthen your communication and networking skills with support from peers and a faculty mentor committed to your success​
  • Receive a fellowship up to $2000.00 to engage in one of the six STEP Signature Project areas.

Please contact one of us if you need any other information  -  Penny Nemitz at nemitz.7@osu.edu
