Student Organization Leadership Council Reps Due

Student Organization Leadership Council (SOLC)

Student Organization Leadership Countil Reps are due on Friday September 11. Please email your organization's rep to Jodie Holava at Any questions or deadline extensions can also be sent to

What is the Student Organization Leadership Council?

Each regsitered student organization must have a representative serve on the Student Organization Leadership Council (SOLC). This individual can also serve as a member of the organization's executive board or can be appointed to a non-executive member. The SOLC will meet once a month during the academic year. 

The following are objectives of the SOLC:
1. To provide an outlet for student opinions on matters of student interest and conveying those opinions to the faculty, staff, and administration
2. To build leadership among student organizations as well as the campus community
3. To provide an opportunity to share and promote events of all student organizations to building support and collaboration