2022 FFA Contests at ATI

Greetings All, 

Again this year the Agricultural and Engineering Technologies Division will host the FFA engineering contests in person!  Due to the faithful giving of your time the contests of past years have been very successful events. This year the Ag. Mechanics (Skills) FFA contest is Friday April 8 and again this year the Outdoor Power and Equipment (Engines) FFA contest is Tuesday April 26 the day before final exams start (reading day).  Both contests start at 8:00am with refreshments on hand.  We will be using rooms SKO 142 and SKO 150 for the skill stations and SKO 134 for grading. The participants will meet in room SKO 137 for orientation at 8:00am.  We will still have lunch from Café Carmen provided.  If you think you would like to participate there is plenty of room for runners, judges and graders. These contests yield excellent public relations for ATI. 

I look forward to working with you to make this year’s contest flow as smooth as in years past. 

Best regards,  

David Dalhart 

Engineering Lab