Buckeye Buzz: December 3-9, 2023

Campus Announcements

  1. If you park in the Halterman lot, you will need to park toward the west side of the lot.

  2. As you prepare for Winter Break, please review your statement of account for accuracy. Tuition and Fees are due Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.

  3. Your feedback helps to assess teaching effectiveness, guide curriculum decisions, enable your fellow students to make decisions about which courses to take, and much more.

Campus Events

  1. Military Community Advocate Destress Day in partnership with F.R.I.E.N.D.S and STEP

    Skou Lounge 11am-1pm

  2. Join Drs. Dan Linden and Eric Williams on Thursday Dec 7th for SWEETS FOR THOUGHT on Reading Day-desserts only!

Campus News

  1. Finals week is already here! This semester has gone by fast!

  2. Ohio State ATI's Junior Livestock Judging Team finished 2023 with a string of first-place finishes.