Buck-I-Eats Pantry

Welcome to the new Buck-I-Eats Pantry! 

The Buck-I-Eats Pantry is here to help students who may lack access to affordable nutritious food and provide access to small personal care items.  Our pantry was previously located in Skou Hall, inside Student Success Services.  In order to increase access, we’ve relocated to the Student Activities Center. 

The pantry is intended only for undergraduate and graduate student use.  Students will be asked to swipe in and show their Buck ID to SAC staff, who will provide a bag to the student shopping.

We ask that students are respectful of the needs of others when shopping and take only what they need to suppliment their short term grocery needs. 


Pantry hours

The pantry will be available:  

Monday - Friday | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm duiring SAC regular hours

Outside of these hours, including weekends, when the SAC is open, please see SAC staff for assistance.

*If you need access when the building is not open or staffed, please contact Kelly Kyser.53 at least 24 hours in advance.

**Note: SAC hours may be adjusted due to events, holidays and staffing. 

Interested in Donating to the Buck-i-eats pantry?

If you would like to donate non-perishable food items and/or personal hygiene products, donations can be brought to the SAC during open hours or contact Kelly Kyser.53@osu.edu

Check the list of items that we need HERE.

If you would like to make a financial donation, CLICK HERE.